Chapter 30; Sick Day

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Luke's POV

I wake up the morning after we fly in to see the girls in the spare bedroom at Bailey's house, Ashton still snoring on the floor next to me. The plan today is that we're all going to go bowling together and then go shopping. I quietly sneak out of bed to go to the kitchen and make two cups of coffee, Bailey's extra strong. I tiptoe into her room and nudge the door open with my shoulder, manage to bang my head on the top of the door frame and slop coffee down my T-shirt. Great. I sit down next to Bailey and set the coffee on her bedside table.

"Morning. Sorry, I kinda spilt the coffee." No reply. "Bailey?" She sniffs. I pull the doona back and find her curled up in a ball, her arms wrapped tightly around her lower tummy. "Are you okay?"

"Mmm, yeah, I'm fine," she croaks.

"Well, there's coffee on the bedside table for you. You gotta get up and get ready for bowling."

"Oh, man, I think I'm gonna have to give that a miss, Luke, I'm not feeling the best," she mumbles, still curled up in bed. I can tell she's not right. "I threw up last night."

"Oh, really? You okay?" I ask, pressing a hand to her forehead. "You don't feel hot or anything. I wonder what's wrong?"

"Hmm, I dunno," she says, not looking at me.

"I can tell when you're lying, you know. You wanna tell me what's really wrong?"

"Ugh, fine, I have lady pains, okay?" she says, turning away from me. "It's embarrassing."

"Ooohh. Ew," I say. She growls under her breath. "I'm kidding. That's okay, I'll stay here with you for the day."

"No, you go, I don't want you to miss out-" she starts.

"I don't wanna go if you're not there. We can just hang out here today. Doctor Luke's here to save the day, okay? You want a heat pack or something?" I ask.

"You're actually the best. There's a fluffy blue hot water bottle in my cupboard."

Bailey's POV

Half an hour later, when the Nurofen I took has finally kicked in enough that I can get out of bed and pull on one of Luke's old Blink 182 shirts, my oldest sweatpants and my glasses, Luke and I sit on the couch in the front room with a pile of DVDs in front of us.

"What do you wanna watch?" Luke asks, handing me a giant Picnic bar, which everyone knows is my absolute favourite.

"Hmmmm... The Haunted Mansion!"

"A Disney movie? Seriously?" I glare at him. "Okay, fine. I've never seen it anyway."

He inserts it in the DVD player and sits on the couch next to me, his arm around my shoulder, me leaning into him. Turns out, he actually enjoys my favourite childhood movie, laughing the whole time. By the end, it's lunch time, and Luke goes out to get us some KFC, leaving me alone for a few minutes. I get up, have a shower, brush my teeth and take some more Panadol, and by the time he gets back I'm quietly reading Divergent for about the eightieth time on the couch, my kitten Boots sleeping on my lap. Luke sets the bag of food on the ground next to me, pets Boots's head for a minute before handing me a box of popcorn chicken and a can of Solo.

"Oh my god, thankyou. This is the best," I say through a mouthful of food. He grins and pops a chip in his mouth. "Can you put MDB on?"

"What? What's MDB?" he asks, looking at me strangely.

"You've never heard of Million Dollar Baby?" I ask in amazement. He shakes his head. "Okay, no, you absolutely have to watch this. It's the best movie I've ever seen. I dare you not to cry," I say.

"As if I'll cry," he says, finding the disc in the cabinet and pressing play on the DVD player.

"No, I'm serious, it's so so sad. I never ever cry in movies, ever, but this one gets me every single time." He just raises his eyebrows at me, shakes his head and laughs, sitting down next to me and putting his arm around me.

Luke's POV

"No I'm not! I swear I'm not crying!" I lie, biting my lip.

"Well, then, you're a robot. God dammit," she sobs, putting her head in her hands.

"Hey, it's okay. Why would you even wanna watch this movie if it makes you so upset?" I ask, rubbing her back. Actually, I am blinking back tears, but no way would I ever admit it.

"Because it's so good! I'm sorry, I don't usually cry this much," she sniffs as the credits begin to roll on the screen. "Hormones," she says sheepishly, laughing weakly. She leans into my shoulder and we sit there in silence for a but while she calms down.

"Okay, happy movie now. Have you ever seen Juno?" I shake my head. "No, okay, we're watching that. Don't even try to argue with me, it's hilarious." I raise my hands in surrender as she hands me the DVD.

"You're the boss. You want some ice cream?"

"Almond Magnums are in the freezer." I kiss her quickly and go to the kitchen, return with the two ice creams and a big bottle of water and settle down to watch the movie. Eventually, about halfway through, all the guys and Sharni come over after they're finished bowling and we have a lazy afternoon watching American Horror Story and eating pretty much everything in the house.

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