Chapter 18; Going home

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Daisy's POV

I wake up next to Calum dreading the fact that I have to go home today. I don't want to leave him. We have gotten so much closer in the past week. I feel sick. I reluctantly get up and pack my stuff. I slowly get ready by applying little make up. I chuck my hair up in a bun. By the time I finish getting ready Calum is awake. He walks into the bathroom shirtless because he sleeps shirtless all the time. I notice he has a shirt in his hand.

"I know this is your favourite shirt of mine, so I want you to take it," Calum smiles.

"Aw thanks Cal, love you," I say, hugging him tightly.

I look at the shirt and realise it's his dark charcoal-coloured Santa Cruz tank top. He's right - it is my favourite. I smile sadly and fold it into my bag.

Bailey's POV

Today is the day. I have to leave my boy. He has been so good to me, he is the sweetest boy alive. As I lay on the floor next to Mike I realise Luke isn't here. I start to slowly drift back off to sleep when I get hit by a pillow. Hard.

"Time to wake up," Luke laughs.

"NO, I DONT WANT TO" I yell.

"Don't make me jump on you," Luke jokes.

I don't reply, but pull the hood of my pastel pullover on my head and snuggle up to Michael. He laughs - he loves this hoodie, it's huge and colourful with a love heart on the back, and on the sleeves it says "EAT SHIT AND DIE" and "YOU MAKE ME PUKE". He grabs me by the ankles and drags me out of bed, me laughing and yelling at him the whole time. Ashton throws a drumstick at me, and yells at me to shut up. I'm not sure you fully understand, this is a completely normal morning with the boys.

Luke's POV

I grab my guitar and jumped on the couch where Bailey has bellyflopped. I start playing random chords and yelling.

"TIME TO GET UP, GET UP, IN THE MORNING!" I shout, strumming chords on my guitar.

I see Bailey roll over and sit up.

"Happy?" Bailey glares at me.

"Very, now come on, lets get breakfast, I'm hungry." I say, placing my guitar on the floor.

We walked into the kitchen and I realise Mum is here, making pancakes with Joy. When I told her last night we weren't coming home, I guess she really wanted to meet Bailey, because she's driven all the way over to the Hoods' to see us.

"Oh! Hi, I, uh... I didn't realise you were going to be here! I'm Bailey, " she says, covering her surprise pretty well. She tries discreetly to hide the writing on the sleeves of her hoodie.

"When Luke said you weren't coming home last night, I thought I should come over and see you, otherwise if may have been a long time before we finally got to meet. Liz," Mum smiles and gives Bailey a hug, handing her a plate piled with pancakes, berries and ice cream. Bailey thanks her and sits on the ground next to Mike, and I kiss Mum on the cheek and accept a plays of food from her.

"Whoa, these are awesome, thankyou," Bai mumbles through a mouthful of breakfast.

"Yeah, thanks Mum," I say, sitting cross legged between Lily and Ash.

"No worries, eat up!" Mum smiles and walks back to the kitchen.

Bailey's POV

Liz is the cutest lady ever. Her pancakes are the best. Luke and I keep feeding each other like babies. It's very cute, if I do say so myself.

We finish our amazing pancakes and Luke and I head to the spare room. Luke sits on the end of the bed and strums a guitar which I guess is Calum's. I collect all of my things and put them in my suitcase. I really don't want to do this. I decide on wearing my Homiès shirt and a skater skirt. I put my hair in a messy ponytail and slick on a bit of mascara and lipstick. I say a quick goodbye to Ash, Mike, Joy, Mali and Liz, and suddenly it's time to go.

When Luke and Cal take us to the airport we procrastinate in the car for ages. Daisy and I hug tightly. She pulls back with a sad face.

"It will be alright," I assure her. She nods solemnly.

"Well guys, I guess this is it," I said sadly when it's time for us to get on the plane.

"I'm going to miss you Calum!" I hug him quickly.

"Bye Bai, see you soon!" Calum replies, and we do our little secret handshake before I turn to Luke.

"I'll miss you so much, Bailey," he says, staring at his feet.

"I'll miss you too," I hug him tightly, not wanting to let go. He gives me one last kiss that doesn't last anywhere near long enough and wipes a solitary tear from my cheek.

"I'll see you soon, okay? Two months. We can do it. It'll fly," he smiles sadly. "It's only London, not Mars. And we'll talk all the time, yeah? And-"

"Luke. I'll be fine. Goodbye," I say. He leans down to kiss my cheek before Dais and I hear the last call for boarding and make our way to the plane door. Luke waves half-heartedly at me and blows a kiss, then he disappears behind the crowd.

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