Chapter 23; London Bound

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Daisy's POV

It's been a very long flight to the UK, but I can honestly say I enjoyed it. I'm so excited! After we meet the boys at the airport and we all have a very happy reunion, we head back to the "5SOS House", which is where all the boys live together when they are in the UK. When we arrive at the house, Calum helps me put my bags in Bailey's and my room. I walk in behind him and I notice a massive bouquet of red roses on the dresser and that had a note that says "For Daisy x x." My mouth falls open.

"These are for you beautiful." Calum smiles, handing me the flowers.

"Thank you babe, you didn't have to." I hug him tightly.

"No, I did. I was a total dickhead. I shouldn't have cheated on you. I'm sorry babe," Calum says quietly, staring at the ground.

I put my flowers on the dresser.

"It's in the past no-" I start, but Cal interrupts me.

"Yeah, it may be. But I'll never forgive myself," he tells me.

"I'm just glad we're still together," I smile.

"Me too babe, we're going out tonight, okay? Just me and you?" Calum smiles hopefully.

"Could think of anything better." I say happily, standing on my toes and kissing him softly.

Calum's POV

I'm so glad the girls are here. Nothing can ruin my mood. Tonight I'm taking Daisy out to dinner. I managed to get us a table at the best restaurant in London. I'd do anything for Dais, she is the most perfect girlfriend anyone can have. I want her to have a perfect time while she's here.

Daisy's POV

London weather is freezing! It's summer back in Australia, I haven't adjusted to the weather yet. I'm loving the snow though, everything's white and beautiful. I get myself ready to go out to dinner with Calum. I pull on some dark jeans along with charcoal coloured ankle boots. I have on a pretty printed long sleeve top under my cream coloured trench coat. I straighten my hair and apply light makeup. I grab my bag and phone and walk out into the lounge room.

"Oh, wow! Sharni, I'm stealing that coat!" Bailey shouts.

"It's nice, isn't it!" I say happily.

"Beautiful," Calum whispers, walking up behind me.

"Thank you," I say, blushing .He grabs my hand.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Sure am!" I reply eager to have something to eat.

Calum and I walk hand in hand down the streets of London. The 5SOS House is within walking distance of the restaurant. Snow falls onto the street. We walked past a red telephone booth.

"Can I take a photo in front of this?" I ask Calum excitedly.

"Sure babe," Calum replies taken my phone.

I take the iconic photo in front of the booth. I love London so much already.

I snuggle up under Calum's arm as we peacefully stroll down the streets. We finally arrive at the restaurant. Holy shit.

"You're joking, right?" I say in disbelief. This isn't just any restaurant. It's the best in London. My boy spoils me so much. A Tiffany and Co ring. Tickets to London and Sydney. And a date at the most beautiful restaurant I've ever been in.

"No babe, this is it." Calum giggles.

"You're the best boyfriend ever!" I kiss him softly.

The waiter shows us to our table. It's a window seat with the perfect few of London.

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