Chapter 31. Bowling

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Daisy's POV

Today we have all decided to go bowling, but Bailey pulled out because she was sick, and Luke had to stay behind and look after her. When we arrive at the bowling alley, we walk in and get our bowling shoes at the counter and pick a lane. It's Ashton's go first. He stands up and slides his long fingers in a bowling ball, and glides it along the lane. It's a strike, of course. He walks smugly back to his seat and takes a sip of his drink, smirking.

"Champion, obviously," he says.

"Bullshit," Michael laughs. "I'll smash you."

He's up next. Lets just say Michael isn't as good as Ashton. It's Calum's shot next and he instantly bowls a gutter ball. He mopes and I chuckle to myself as I grab a ball for my turn. I swing my arm back and forwards again and it glides straight down the centre, knocking every pin down - a strike.

"Oooooh Calum, your lady friend is better than you!" Ashton shouts, laughing. Calum scowls.

I scratch the back of my neck and I give Calum an apologetic look, but he just pokes his tongue out at me and gives me the finger.

After a couple of games we all decide we've had enough. Ashton drives (badly) back to Bailey's and we find her and Luke on the couch with a Magnum each watching American Horror Story. We all lounge around for the afternoon and eventually all crash in the loungeroom.


The next morning, Bailey's stepdad tells us that he is putting the boat in, and asks if we want to go out for a ski. Of course, we say yes, but the boys are a bit wary.

"Just come! It'll be fun!" I pout at Calum, swaying from side to side.

"Whatever, I'm in!" Calum finally says.

"Luke, PLEEEEAAASE!" Lily begs.

"We don't even know how to ski!" Luke says, shrugging his shoulders.

"It's never to late to learn! You even get to learn from the master!" Bailey says, pointing at her ski. I smirk at Ashton as he signals to me to help him force Luke into the car. Calum raises his eyebrows, smirking a little as Ashton and Michael grab Luke by the waist and force him into Ashton's car. I smirk at Bailey and raise my hand for a high five.

"This is going to be hilarious!" I laugh while Luke yells like a bitch, begging to be let go, squirming around in the backseat of the car. We all pile in and Luke crosses his arms.

"I hate you guys. You know I'm ridiculously unco!"

"Luke, Jesus, you'll be fine!" Ashton says, laughing at him in the rear view mirror.

"EYES ON THE ROAD!" Michael yells as Ashton swerves to avoid a car.

"Hey, I'm a good driver okay!" Ashton shouts. "Driving game strong!"

Bailey pulls off her T-shirt in the car to reveal a tiny bikini top. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"What?" she says, raising her eyebrows. "Knock it off, Luke," she says, shoving him when she catches him staring. He just smirks and looks out the window.

After a quick drive we pulled up at the boat ramp. Bailey's stepdad puts the boat in and Bai drives it out into the water with all of us sitting in the boat as the boys strip down to their board shorts. Bailey winks at me in the rear view mirror from the driver's seat. I stare at Calum. Seeing him without a shirt never gets old. I go and sit down next to him and whisper in his ear.

"Fuck, you're hot."

"You're hotter," Calum smirks and kisses me quickly.

"Oi, Dais!" Bailey yells to me, tossing me her brothers life jacket. I quickly put it on as Bailey's stepdad climbs in the boat. He's driving, I'm observing and Bailey is skiing first. She strips down to her bikinis, pulls on a life vest and wetsuit shorts, slips her foot in the ski binding and climbs onto the duckboard.

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