Chapter 24; Koko and Nightmares

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Bailey's POV

Right on time, I make my way downstairs in the outfit Luke picked out for me, and him, Daisy and Calum are sitting on the couch laughing about something. He stands up when I reach the bottom of the stairs and snakes his arm around my waist.

"Beautiful," he murmurs, looking down at me. He kisses me softly, and I swear I could stand there forever, but Daisy clears her throat and Calum jingles his keys. Our lips part, and I look at the ground, embarrassed. Luke takes me by the hand and I slip my phone and electric pink lipstick into my black leather purse. Daisy and I have to nag the boys for about 15 minutes to tell us where we are going and who with before Luke finally gives in and pulls 4 small blue slips of paper out of his wallet and hands one to each of us. I give a little squeal and kiss him, hard. Front row seats to Arctic Monkeys at Koko, with Tame Impala as the support act.

"Thankyou guys so much, this is amazing!" Daisy exclaims, doing a little dance in her seat.

"Who else is coming?" I ask.

"Now that you do have to wait and find out," Calum says with a wink. It's obviously something they're excited about, or they'd tell us. Who the hell could it be? We pull up outside the venue and go through all the security checks, then gate 1 to find our seats, and Luke waves to someone, but I can't see who it is. Then Dais swears very, very loudly and starts jumping up and down, and I spot the curls you couldn't possibly miss. Sitting in the seat next to mine is none other than Harry Styles, accompanied by Jourdan Dunn. I'm so shocked that I literally drop my clutch on the ground and stand there with my mouth open like a mentally challenged fish until Jourdan reaches over and introduces herself. That's when Dais and I both start gushing like mad. Jourdan looks a little shocked, but humbly accepts our many compliments before Harry says in that famous deep voice,

"Bailey and Daisy, right? Harry." He smiles and gives us both a hug. Sweet baby Jesus he smells like sex. "I've heard a lot about you two."

I turn and gape at Luke. HE'S TALKED ABOUT ME WITH HARRY STYLES? How did I not know this? I manage to stutter a reply, tell him I'm a huge fan and sit down in my seat before my legs give way. These shoes are already uncomfortable enough, but now that I can feel Harry's shoulder against mine I don't think I'll be able to stand up again. Every time he talks to me I just babble out something stupid and make a complete fool of myself. I'm so embarrassed but at the same time I couldn't care less, because I'm at a concert with 5 of my favourite people in the world. Before I know it, the lights dim and it's time for Tame Impala's set, and we make our way into the little mosh area being formed around the stage, and we dance the night away to some of my favourite songs. Then Arctic Monkeys come on, and it's like no other concert I've ever been to. They're incredible, the songs are so amazing, and I'm so close to Alex Turner I could literally reach out and knock over his microphone stand if I wanted to. They play all my favourite tracks - When The Sun Goes Down, Knee Socks, I Wanna Be Yours, R U Mine, One For The Road... The list is endless. At one stage Jourdan, Dais and I each get up on our respective dates' shoulders and dance to Flourescent Adolescent. Security comes over to yell at us, then realise who they're talking to and apologise profusely. Nevertheless, we all get down and dance on the ground instead. Eventually, the band plays Do I Wanna Know and I absolutely lose it on the dancefloor, and the concert is over. It's honestly one of the best nights I've ever had. We laugh and relive our favourite moments on the way out, babble out a long goodbye to Jourdan and Harry and get in the car to go home. Sitting in the car hand in hand with Luke, I realise that this is quite possibly the happiest I've ever felt.


My eyes snapping open, I shoot up in bed and let out a tiny whimper of fear. There's a sheen of cold sweat on my face and my breath is coming out in short, sharp gasps. My mouth tastes like metal and my head is pounding. Trying not to remember the awful dream, I look over at the clock - 4:30am. Looks like I'm not getting any more sleep. I swing my legs out of the bed and shuffle into the kitchen, resting my elbows on the bench and my head on my hands while I wait for the kettle to boil. Dressed in nothing but a grey T-shirt and black underwear, I shiver slightly. I hear the light padding of footsteps in the hallway and freeze, but let out a sigh of relief when I see that it's only Michael.

"What are you doing? Are you okay?" he whispers as I stir my tea.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Bad dream," I mutter, not wanting to relive it.

"What happened?"

"I don't wanna talk about it," I say quietly, sitting on the couch and curling up in the corner.

"Are you gonna go back to bed?" Mike asks, sounding worried.

"Not yet, maybe not at all. I won't go back to sleep after that," I murmur, wrapping my chilled fingers tightly around my mug and taking a long sip.

"Well, I'll stay out here with you," Mike says, sitting down next to me and pulling a blanket over the two of us. I lie down and he drapes an arm over my shoulder, and to my surprise, I eventually drift off again, feeling warm and protected by one of my best friends.

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