Chapter 15; Twitter Hate

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Daisy's POV

We are all watching a marathon of Big Bang Theory. I lay in Calum's arms keeping me warm with his muscular body. I scan through the photos of Calum and I and I decided to put it on twitter. So I edited it and posted it with the caption:

@Calum5SOS I love my boy so much!

Seconds later I have so many replies. They aren't the replies I was expecting either. They're more like:







My heart is beating so fast I think I could pass out. Tears begin to fall from my eyes. I quickly get up from the lounge and run into Calum's room. I close the door and sit down on Calum's bed and put my head in my hands and cry. I didn't expect all this hate. I thought the 5SOS fandom was nice. A few seconds later I hear a knock, it's Calum.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" Calum asks, closing the door behind him.

"Youre 'fans'," I cry, showing him my phone.

"I'm so sorry babe, I didn't mean for this to happen, if I had've known I wou-" Calum says once he's scanned my mentions.

"It's not your fault, it really isn't. You're a good boyfriend, I just didn't expect that." I interrupt him.

He sits down beside me and holds me close as I cry into his chest.

Calum grabs out his phone. I'm paying attention but I think he's typing. After a few minutes I finally stop crying. There's a twitlonger from Calum.

It reads:

Daisy is my girlfriend. I love my fans, I just don't like it when you hurt my girlfriends feelings. If you love me, you would accept her too. She is my girlfriend and she isn't going anywhere, no matter how much you hate her or "us" she is here to stay. I'm at a stage in my life where I'm really happy. I don't need fans tweeting my girlfriend hateful comments. I love her. So please, No more hateful comments. I love you all.

Cal x x

"Thanks babe, I mean it." I smile.

"You're welcome princess," Calum says, leaning in to kiss me. I kiss him back softly.

A few minutes later Bai knocks on the door.

"Hey, you alright? I saw." Bailey asks, looking worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine now," I tell her, wiping my eyes

Bailey's POV

We are all stretched out on the lounge watching Big Bang Theory when Daisy suddenly bolts up and runs to Calum's room.

"What's wrong with her?" Michael asks.

"I dunno, I'll go find out." I tell the boys, getting up from Luke's lap.

"Nah, I'll go, it's fine Bai, I got it," Calum assures me.

"Okay," I say, sitting back down next to Luke.

A few minutes later I scroll through twitter. I notice all these horrible tweets about my best friend. Why are they so mean? She doesn't deserve it. No one does.

"I'll be back" I tell Luke angrily. He just nods, having read the rude comments over my shoulder.

I walked to Calum's room and knocked on the door.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask, worried about her.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." Daisy shrugs her shoulders.

I give her a hug and grab her hand, leading her out to the lounge room. Calum follows behind us. We sit back down and watch TV until late. I snuggle up to Luke as he holds me close.

Daisy's POV

I come back out into the lounge room, which I'm not going to lie is a bit awkward. I sit down and cuddle Calum. I just love when I'm close to him. His warm body is like a protection and it just makes me feel safe. After another episode of Big Bang Theory I check my twitter. Surprisingly there are a lot of tweets saying sorry. I notice the other boys and Bailey have tweeted about it.

Ashton tweeted:

That's just rude.

Michael tweeted:

Pushed it too far this time..

Luke tweeted:

Threating someone is just wrong, don't do it. Ever.

Bailey tweeted:

Crossed the fucking line, guys. You have issues. Never, ever, EVER tell someone to kill themself.

I smile as I thank them.

It's getting late and the boys head home. Ashton dropped Luke and Bailey off at Luke's place and Michael off at his house. It's just me and Calum. We sit down watching a movie. I don't know what movie this is but Calum put it on. I start to get heavy eyelids.

"You tired?" Cal asks.

"Yeah, I am actually," I yawn, trying to keep my eyes open.

He gets up and turns the tv off. He grabs my hand and we walk to his room. He takes his shirt off, showing his tan muscular torso.

"You mind?" He asked.

"Nah," I say, trying not to giggle. I lay down next to him as he moves closer to me, pressing his bare body against my back. He puts his arm over my body and I fall asleep.

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