Chapter 19; One Month Aniversary

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Daisy's POV

Today is my one month aniversary with Calum. It's been one month. The time has gone so quickly. Unfortunately Calum and the boys are in the UK recording and doing tours and stuff. I'm stuck in australia without my boy. I go onto twitter to see a tweet from Calum. He has tweeted a photo of us kissing with the caption:

One month with my girl <3 Miss you baby. <3 xx

I tweet back:

@Calum5SOS Happy One Month, the time has gone so fast. I love you my cutie, miss you xo

Today I'm working at my local cafe. I get up and quickly get ready, putting on my tight black skirt with a black shirt. I throw my hair into a bun and dab on some makeup and I'm ready. I walk into work and make myself a latte, then walk upstairs to get an apron. It's a busy day at work, taking orders and making drinks. I'm glad it's busy, it passes the time quicker. I finish up at 1:30pm. I arrive home and crash onto my bed, proceeding to scroll through twitter when I notice something strange. Something I never thought I'd see. Photos of Calum and another girl. A girl who looks an awful lot like a British model who walked in last year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. I understand fans love him and want to get photos with him but this isn't a fan, not really. In the photos, this girl is snuggling up with my boy, and they look pretty cozy, she's whispering in his ear and he's giggling. How dare she?! I shakily scroll through more photos and one makes my heart fall into my stomach. Tears start streaming down my face. Beer in hand, Calum is kissing her. What a jerk. I immediately dial his number.

"Hey babe, how are you?, Happy one month!" Calum answers cheerfully.

"Hey, I, uh," I take a deep breath. "I just saw these photos on twitter of you. You're, uh... You're with another girl. A model, if last years' Victoria's Secret show is anything to go by. You're cuddling up to her, she's sitting on your knee, and you're... You're kissing her." I start to cry.

"Babe, look," Calum says nervously.

"No, don't. How could you? I knew this would happen, tell me the truth, Calum, did you kiss her?" I say, my heart pounding, angry tears falling from my eyes.

"Dais, I-" Calum stutters.

"Calum, did you kiss her or not?!" I yell.

"I'm so sorry, I did, but it didn't mean anything, I swear," Calum admits. I hurt in every part of my body.


"Daisy, I said I was sorry," Calum says shakily.

"Don't fucking talk to me again. You and me? We're fucking done." I say, hanging up. I fall onto my bed and cry until I fall asleep.

Calum's POV

Daisy hangs up. Jesus Christ, what have I done? She's right, I fucked up. I walk back into the studio with my hands in my pockets.

"Hey, you alright man?" Ashton asks. He's really good at picking up on it when we're not okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think I'm getting sick." I lie, sniffling to hide the fact that I'm starting to tear up.

"Go back to the hotel and rest, Luke and I have got this sesh. Don't worry about it," Ashton says, twirling his drumstick.

"Alright, well I'll see you later." I say, walking back out into the freezing cold. Our hotel is right across from the studio so it's easy to get to. I go up to mine and Mike's room and slam the door behind me. I don't expect anyone to be in the room, and I groan and put my head in my hands. Michael emerges from the bathroom, startling me.

"What's up bro, you okay?" Michael asks, looking worried.

"NO, I'M NOT. I FUCKED UP BIG TIME, OKAY?!" I shout and shove him out of my way. I start to pace back and forth around the room.

"Woah, Calum, calm down," Michael says, placing a hand on my shoulder,

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I scream and shove his hand off my shoulder. As if it has a mind of its own, my fist knocks him straight across the face.

Michael grunts and falls to the ground clutching his nose, which immediately starts trickling blood. Oh my god. I run out of the hotel room and walk out onto the streets. Holy shit, what just happened? I need to calm down. I can't believe I just hit my best mate. Fuck, what is wrong with me? He didn't do anything, he was trying to help, it's all my fault. It's my fault I cheated on Daisy and it's my fault I hit Mike. I sit in a cafe by myself for a while.


It's been one hour since I hit Mike and it's getting late. I make my way back up to the hotel room. I see Mike sitting on the bed with an ice pack on his face.

"Fuck, Mike, I didn't mean it, I just lashed out. I'm sorry!" I say quickly, hugging him tight.

"It's alright bro, you were angry, I know you have a short temper and I shouldn't of flared it. Wanna tell me what happened?" Michael says gently.

I sit on the bed but don't look at him.

"I cheated on Dais and she found out," I say bluntly.

"Shit," Michael says, shocked.

"Not to mention it was our one month anniversary today," I say with my head in my hands.

Michael sits up and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey. It's alright. You messed up, nobody's perfect," Michael assures me. "Give it a few days and call her again. Hopefully she will have calmed down."

I spent that whole night tossing and turning, not able to sleep knowing that I've hurt her.

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