Chapter 11; Time To Go

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Daisy's POV

It's the day I've been dreading. I wake up with a sick feeling in my stomach. Today, is the day that the boys go home. I get up and get ready for whatever lies ahead. I apply light make up and throw my hair up in a messy bun. I decide on wearing a black lacy playsuit. I text Bailey.

"Hey, i'll be over at your's soon!xx" Moments later I get a reply.

"Okay, see you soon xx" Bailey replies.

I grab my bag and phone and walk out the door. Mum drives me to Bailey's house and it's a very quiet trip. When I get to Bailey's house I knocked on the door. Bailey answers as I give her a passionate hug. Tears start to fall from my eyes.

"Aw babe, what's wrong?" Bailey asks sadly.

"I..-I have to leave him." I hug Bailey tightly.

"He will love you no matter what the distance" Bailey assures me.

I nod as we walk to the car. The car ride is dead quiet. No one says a thing, but Bailey's mum holds her hand as the tears slowly fall. It's killing me to resit the temptation to cry. My eyes are watering but I refuse to let them fall. Her mum drops us off at the airport. I spot Calum from a mile away, his bag hanging off one of his shoulders. He notices me as he drops his bag on the floor. I start running up to him. I jump into his arms. I don't want to leave him. Tears begin to fall from my eyes. I slowly stand up straight again. Calum wipes my tears from my cheek.

"I like you a lot, Daisy, please don't cry." Calum pouts.

"I'm not crying because you're going, I'm crying because I'm scared you'll find someone better." I tell him.Calum gives me a blunt look.

"I've been looking for you all my life. I'm not going to find someone better," he assures me.

"But you don't know that." I stared at the ground. Calum lifts my head with his finger underneath my chin.

"I do know, babe.. We will make this work! I promise." Calum says, getting teary eyed. I nod as I hug him tightly.

Over loudspeaker, a woman begins speaking.

"Flight to Sydney, is ready for boarding."

I pull back and I intertwine my fingers with his. Calum kisses me softly. He lets go of my hand and I notice him getting something out of his pocket. He pulls out a silver necklace with an infinity sign on it. I gasp as he puts around my neck.

"Our love is forever, infinty." He whispers in my ear.

I hold it as tears start to fall. I hug him tightly for the last time.

"Bye babe, text me when you're in Sydney?" I ask him.

"Of course baby." Calum kisses my forehead.

I take a deap breath.

"Bye" Calum says, walking away with the others.

Bailey walks over and wraps her arms around me as I cry in her arms. I wasn't crying because I'll miss him. I was crying because, we've only known each other for a week and a bit. I'm scared he will find someone better. Someone prettier, someone everything I'm not. I'm just scared.

Bailey's POV

I won't cry. I won't cry. I won't cry. I've been telling myself this all day, but as we ride in the car to Tullamarine Airport, the tears are still dripping onto my shorts. Mum rubs her thumb over my hand as I cry, and I'm listening to Wherever You Are through my headphones. I can't help but laugh sadly at how relatable the lyrics are. I don't speak or remove my earphones until Daisy and me walk through the door and I see Luke, sitting on his suitcase with his head in his hands. You and me both, kid. I walk over to him and he stands up quickly the minute he sees me and wraps me in his arms. I sob quietly into his chest. He lets me go, unzips his suitcase and hands me a hoodie and a chunky envelope. This makes me cry even harder, and he puts a finger to my lips, holding me tight.

"Don't cry. It's okay. Two weeks. That's all. It'll fly, I promise you," he says soothingly. I look up at him and smile sadly.

"That's not even why I'm crying, I'm just scared," I say quietly. I don't tell him what I'm scared of, though - he's told me a hundred times that it's silly, that he's not going to meet anyone else, that I have him in my pocket. I've never been good enough for anyone before, and I'm not prepared to feel like that again. Ever. He holds my hand.

"Please just read that, and wear that. That's all I can give you, but I'll see you in two weeks. I care about you a lot, okay? I'll see you soon."

He gives me one last kiss that doesn't last anywhere near long enough before each of the boys gives me a hug, whispers goodbye and they all make their way onto the plane. When the door closes, Daisy runs over to me and we cry together all through the airport, all the way back to my car. Two weeks seems like forever.

Once I get home, I pull on his hoodie. It smells exactly like him. With shaking hands, I open the letter.


I don't really know what to say, I'm not good at this mushy shit. There's a a USB in this envelope, if you're ever sad over the next two weeks plug it in and listen. These songs will help. I like you a lot and I can't wait for you to come to Sydney. Wear my hoodie and this bracelet, please. It'd mean a lot. I'll see you soon.

Luke xo"

I pull out the USB and place it on my bedside table, and gasp as I tip the envelope upside down and a tiny silver bracelet with a sugar skull charm falls into my palm. With teary eyes, I fasten the clasp on my wrist and lie down, cuddling my stuffed penguin and fall asleep.

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