Chapter 16; Shopping

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Bailey's POV

By the time Luke and I get dropped back at his place by Ash, his whole family is already asleep, and when we leave the next morning for Calum's they're all still asleep, so I won't get to meet them until tonight. Wearing my denim overalls, stripy t-shirt and pink jelly sandals, I hold Luke's hand for the entire drive, and he rubs his thumb over mine. I don't know why I love that so much, buts it's honestly my favourite thing that he does. When we arrive at the Hoods', Calum, Ash and Mike are all sitting around the table eating toast with Vegemite.

"Daisy's still in bed, unfortunately," Calum says.

"Seriously? She's meant to be the morning person out of the two of us! Do you know how early I got up this morning?!! It was single digits on the clock!" I yell. "Hold on, I've got this under control."

I creep up the stairs, carefully not to make any noise. Silently opening Calum's bedroom door, I see Daisy lying on the bed like a starfish, and I tiptoe up to her until we are nose to nose. Water bottle in hand, I start yelling.

"Time to get up, fatass!" I shriek, dumping the contents of the water bottle on her head. She bolts upright, thrashing around and swearing like a sailor.

"You stupid bitch!" she laughs. She jumps off the bed and chases me down the stairs, where we get to the table and all the boys laugh at her in her One Direction shirt and Winnie the Pooh pyjama shorts. She grumbles uncomprehensibly while she waits for her toast to cook, and quickly slathers on some Nutella before stomping up the stairs. She's not really angry, but I'm tipping I'll pay for this later. It takes her a little over half an hour to quickly pick an outfit, do her makeup and throw her hair in a fishtail braid, and when I hear her stomping down the stairs in her Toms, I run to the bottom of the stairs to give her a big hug.

"Aw, I'm sorry, Daisy-bear," I say, pouting at her. She punches me on the shoulder and jumps on Calum's back, and he piggybacks her out to the car.


After a few hours of strolling around Sydney, we decide to split up. Luke has to help me carry all my stuff - I've already acquired two sweaters from Acne, a beanie from Sportsgirl, a few tops from Cotton On, some bikinis from Seafolly, a pair of boyfriend jeans from General Pants Co. and a ring from Karen Walker, as well as a donut from Krispy Kreme and an espresso frappucino from Starbucks. Luke is absolutely amazed at my ability to spend money.

"Holy shit, how many jumpers do you own?" He asks, taking a sip of his Vanilla Bean Frap. I'd teased him about being a white girl - what guy orders that?!!

"12 sweaters and 7 hoodies. Please don't judge me." He just laughs as we stroll into David Jones. I make a beeline for the shoe section. I'm waltzing around, ogling all the Jimmy Choos and Louis Vuittons when I spot them. My dream shoes. The Christian Louboutin 20th Anniversary Isolde Sandals. Gold, studded and with a sky-high stiletto heel, I drop all my bags on the ground and pick one up.

"These are sold out almost everywhere! Kim K has these ones!" I whisper.

"Do you wanna try them on?" Luke asks me. I nod and he waves over a shop assistant, asking her to bring me a size 6.5. When she walks back out with a box, I almost don't want to put them on, they're so beautiful. I slip them gently on my feet and stand up,160mm taller.

"Jesus Christ," Luke says quietly. I look at the pricetag on the straps and my mouth falls open.

"Please tell me this is the year the shoes were made," I say, looking up at the shop assistant. She shakes her head and smiles.


I look down sadly at the shoes and start to slip them off. Luke excuses himself to throw his empty cup in the bin and takes the shoes back with him. I know I'll never have a pair, but they're just so pretty. After about five minutes, I start to worry. How long can it take to find a bin? I pick up my phone ready to call him when he comes walking towards me with a shoebox in hand. No way. No way no way no way. This is NOT happening. OH MY GOD.

"If this is a joke I will literally kill you in the middle of this store."

He shrugs his shoulders. "Being in a famous band has its perks. Money happens to be one of them. It's no big deal, I could see how badly you wanted them. Surprise," he smiles shyly. He hands me the box.

"Luke Robert Hemmings, they cost more than a crappy car. That's a very, VERY big deal," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. What kind of boyfriend buys his girl shoes like that?!! Really friggin' good ones.

Daisy's POV

Calum and I are sitting in Grill'd surrounded by shopping bags. It's been a very productive day, shopping-wise. I've picked up a few gorgeous dresses, some shoes, a new watch and the newest Marc Jacobs perfume. We had a look in Tiffany and Co. as well, and I found the most amazing ring, but I could never afford something like that. Oh well, it's not as if I'll die if I can't have it, but it was very pretty. I'm absentmindedly munching on chips with aoli when Calum reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny turquoise bag. It doesn't even register at first what is is, but when it does I'm so shocked that I spill my lemonade on the table. He laughs at me as I hurry to clean up the mess with a napkin and drops the bag on the table in front of me.

"I wanted you to have it, I could see how much you loved it," he smiles.

"Oh my god, Cal, thankyou so much! How the hell did you afford this?"

"Being in a band does have a few benefits," he says, winking. "I don't mean to sound arrogant, but money is never short in this job."

I slip the ring on my finger. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I can't believe it.

Bailey's POV

We meet up with Daisy, Calum and the boys around 4pm, and Daisy flashes me a tiny white gold band ring - Cal took her to Tiffany's. I guess I underestimated how much money being in a band actually means, because my mum never owned anything from Tiffany's until she was 40. I don't tell Daisy about the shoes - I want to surprise her with them next time I have an excuse to wear them. Which turns out to be tomorrow night - we are all going out for a group dinner at a really nice restaurant before the boys play a gig at a nearby venue. But tonight is all about meeting Luke's family. He quietly asks me not to tell his mum about the shoes either, because she would kill him. From what I've heard about Liz, I don't doubt it. She sounds lovely, though. I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone.

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