Chapter 10; Slumber Party

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Daisys POV

It's a Saturday evening and bailey's parents have gone away for the weekend. Kendall, Hailey, Bailey and myself are all setting up for the boys to come around. We put snack food on the table, followed by drinks. It was 6:00pm and We hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" I yell through out the house. I opened the door and greeted the boys. I notice Michael holding boxes of pizza.

"Hey guys! Awesome! You got the pizza!" I smile, letting them in. They all gave me quick hugs except for Calum. He was the last to come in. When the boys find their way into the kitchen, Calum wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"I missed you!" Cal pouts.

"I missed you too, Cal!" I smile as I grab his hand and walk into the kitchen. There was no sign of the girls. "I'll be back, I'll find the girls!" I told the boys. Calum didn't let go of my hand. I pull back.

"Forgetting something?" Calum winked. He pulls me close. I lean in closing my eyes. We kissed for a few seconds and he pulled back. "That's better!" Calum giggles.

"GET A ROOM YOU TWO!" Ashton shouts.

"Hmm nah," I stirred. Luke wolf whistled.

"EW GROSS!" Michael shouts. I poke my tongue out at him. I walk away to go find the girls. I knock on Bailey's door.

"Yeah?" I heard from inside. I opened the door and find her sitting on her bed with Hailey and Kendall, biting her nails.

"The boys are here, they brought pizza." Within a second they all jolted up and sprinted out of the room. I walk out and they were circled around the kitchen eating pizza. I grab a slice and stand next to Calum.

"We need some tunes?" Ashton said.

"Oh yeah! One sec," Bailey replied, running into her room getting her phone. She runs out and connects it to a dock. It starts blaring Nirvana.

"Now this is a party!" Ashton shouts. We all laugh, not saying anything with all the pizza in our mouths. After dinner Calum comes up from behind me and interwined his fingers with mine. I smile.

"Come with me," He whispers. I follow him into Bailey's bedroom. He sits on her bed as I shut the door. I sit next to him.

"Fuck you're beautiful!" Cal states.

"Thank you babe but my boyfriend is the beautifulest guy you'll ever meet!" I flirt.

"Oh really, I must meet him?" Calum giggles.

"May-" I was interrupted as Calum locks his lips on mine. It was slow and passionate. Gentle.. All of a sudden his tongue wanted in so I let him. Our tongues did a dance. We pull out gasping for breath. He stands up and he puts his hand out indicating me to take it. We walk out of the room hand in hand. The others were in the lounge room watching a movie. Really? We were making out for that long? It felt like seconds.

"There you are!" Bailey says, giving me a wink. The lounges were all taken up. Calum sat on the ground up against a wall. I sat down in front of him laying back into his chest. We watched 3 movies. And countless times I could hear Bailey making out with Luke. It was now midnight. "Swimming anyone?" I asked. Everyone jolted up and I ran to Bailey's room and got changed. I threw my hair in a messy bun and grabbed a towel. I was wearing a bandeau style bikini, which was my favourite. I walk out of Bailey's room and all the boys are shirtless. They were just murmering to themselves as they noticed us girls walk out in our bikini's. Calum almost fell backwards after he saw me. I giggle as he was jawdropped. All the boys wolf whistled.

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