Chapter 26; Spiked Drink

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Daisy's POV

We are all at the club having a great time, especially Bailey, who's having a little too much fun with the alcohol. I made a promise to Calum that I wouldn't drink tonight, he said I could if I really wanted to but I was fine with not drinking. We're all having a great time on the dance floor when drunk Bailey emerges from the bathroom with Michael in tow.

"I LOVE THIS SONG!" she yells.

She grabs my hand and starts dancing. All of a sudden I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I turn around quickly.

"Hey Calum, What's wrong?" I ask, looking into his pale face.

"It was spiked, I... My drink, it got spiked," Calum slurs, trying not to throw up.

"Bai, I've got to go take Calum to the hospital, his drink was spiked," I tell Bailey seriously.

She nods her head and carries on dancing, too drunk to even care. I'm a little pissed off, but I don't have time to dwell on it. .

I grab Calum's hand and I try to find at least one of the boys to tell them when I spot Luke standing in a corner, sulking about Bailey.

"Luke, Calum's drink's been spiked, I'm taking him to the hospital now," I tell him with a worried face, and he helps me prop Cal up.

"You sure you don't want me to come?" Luke offers, staring at a pale and dazed Calum.

"Nah, I think it's best if you stay and look after Bailey, shes on the dance floor," I say, glancing at her grinding up against Michael. I heave a sigh.

"Yeah, you're right. You'll take care of him," he says, balling his fists and storming over to Bailey and Mike. This should be interesting, but we have to get out, pronto.

I hold Calum's hand and walk out of the club. The hospital, thankfully, is only a few blocks away. I help Calum keep his balance on the sidewalk by holding him around the waist and propping him up on my shoulder. After about a ten minute walk we finally reach emergency. Calum stumbles in the door and I ask one of the nurses to get a wheelchair. I tell them what's going on and within seconds Calum is whisked away by doctors.

"Hey where is he going? Can I go? I'm his girlfriend!" I shout.

One of the doctors stops and walks back over towards me.

"I think it's best if you stay out here, I'll come out and get you when Mr Hood is okay and settled," he says gently. I nod sadly - it would've been good to stay with him and make sure he's okay, but what can you do? I just find a seat in the waiting room and do exactly that - wait. By now I'm totally exhausted - its 2am. I'm half asleep when my phone goes off. Ashton is calling me.

"Hello?" I answer wearily.

"Hey, Dais, is Calum okay? Do you want me to come to the hospital?"

"Yeah, I assume he is. I don't really know. He's with the doctors right now. It's fine, you don't have to come, if you don't want to, i've got this under control."

"Wait, are you by yourself?"

"Yeah I am, I'm sitting in emergency."

"I'm coming, I'm not letting you be by yourself."

"Alright, I'll see you soon. Thanks."

Within 15 minutes of the phone call ending, Ashton bursts through the door.

I stand up and I walk over to him to give him a hug.

"Here, you're freezing," Ashton says and hands me a hoodie of Calum's.

"Thank you for coming," I say, pulling it over my dress.

"I wasn't going to let you wait on your own." Ashton says, sitting down next to me.

It's four in the morning by the time the doctor comes to speak to us.

"Daisy, Calum's ready to see you," the doctor says, and Ashton and I shoot up like rockets.

We follow him to Calum's room, where we find him connected to an IV drip.

"Hey, you feel better?" I asked sitting down on the chair next to his bed.

"I'm better now that you guys are here," Calum says, putting out his hand.

I smile as I take it. I traced circles on the back of his hand with my thumb.

"Ashton, you look tired, you can go home if you want to?" Calum suggestes.

"You sure mate?" Ashton says, hesitant, but he yawns and we all laugh.

"Yeah, go. Get some rest." Calum smiles weakly.

"Alright, I'll see you later then," Ashton says with a wave over his shoulder as he leaves. We sit quietly for a few minutes before the doctor reappears.

"Well, Calum, you are very lucky that you came here sooner rather then later. Most of the drugs are out of your system but we have to keep you here until lunch time to make sure that everything is okay." The doctor says.

"That's fine, thank you," Calum says.

When the doctor leaves Calum looks straight at me.

"Thank you for helping me, I have the best girlfriend in the world."

"You'd do the same for me." I say sleepily.

I continue to trace circles on the back of his hand and watch the shitty hospital tv.

Calum grabs his phone and rings his mum and tells her what happened. She's so worried and considers getting on a plane to London. We tell her to not worry about it and that I've taken care of him. Calum tells her not to come and that he will be out of the hospital by lunch time. After a while I get up and take a photo of him in the hospital bed. We both laugh at the face he pulls.

I tweet the picture with the caption: "Taking care of this one! @Calum5SOS x"

All of a sudden hundreds of fans are tweeting me back with "is he okay? what happened? my poor baby? get better soon! I'm so worried is he okay?" and everything else imaginable. I decide to make a tweet.

"@Calum5SOS is fine. He had his drink spiked and felt a little sick. But he is all good! Don't worry. xx"

I out down my phone and fall asleep in the hospital chair.

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