Chapter 20; The Call

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Daisy's POV

It's been a few days since I broke up with Calum. He is such a jerk, I can't believe he did that. Anyways, today I'm seeing Bailey and I'm going to tell her. I don't really want to because then I'll have to realise that me and Calum are done. We've broken up. I don't want to believe it, but I have to.

Bailey's POV

Daisy's over and we are just chilling watching Breaking Bad. She seems a little off, but I know her well enough to know that if she wants to talk about it with me, she will.

"I've got to tell you something," Daisy tells me nervously.

"What? Can you wait, this is the best part!" I say, not wanting to miss Walt shooting Tuco.

"No, It's about Calum," Daisy says quietly.

"What about him?" I ask, pausing the DVD. This is way more important than some fictional drug dealer.

"We, uh... We aren't together anymore," Daisy whispers, her bottom lip trembling.

"Why, what the hell happened?" I yell in surprise, jumping up from my spot on the couch to sit next to her.

"He cheated on me," she sobs.

"Babe, I'm sorry!" I say, hugging her tightly. That asshat!

"Yeah me too, it was on our one month," Daisy says, wiping her eyes.

"WHAT?" I shout.

Daisy shows me pictures of Calum in a nightclub kissing this chick that I recognise from a Victoria's Secret ad campaign. Holy crap. I didn't think he'd be that type of guy.

"I'll get the ice cream," I say.

"I'll get the chocolate," I hear from behind me.

We sit on the floor of my room with a bowl of cookies and creme ice cream, a giant Picnic bar and a can of creaming soda each.

"I loved him, I adored that kid like no other," Daisy says through tears and a mouthful of ice cream.

"It's alright babe, he'll pull his head in, " I say, her rubbing her back and cramming a piece of chocolate in my mouth.

From a distance I hear Daisy's phone ringing. She gets up and grabs it from the lounge room.

"Ughhh," she groans.

"What?" I ask.

"It's Calum," Daisy sniffles.

"Ah," I reply. He's got a lot of nerve.

"Here, you answer, I don't want to talk to him!" Daisy says, thrusting her phone towards me. I lift the phone to my ear.

"Hey, It's Bailey."

"Hey, is Daisy there?" Calum says, his voice thick with what I bloody well hope are tears.

"Yeah, but she doesn't want to talk to you," I reply as Daisy frantically waves her hands in front of her.

"Oh well, um -" Calum starts.

"Listen, you jerk, Dais really loved you. Even before Australia Day. She adored you. Surely you knew that? Why would you throw that away?" I hiss. If he thinks he can screw her over and get away with it just like that, he doesn't know her very well and he sure as hell doesn't know me.

"I know, I know. I fucked up." Calum sadly tells me through the phone. "Look, tell her I need to talk to her. It's important."

"Fine." I tell him handing the phone to Daisy.

"No!" she hisses, but I wave the phone at her until she finally tells me to go and do something that's anatomically impossible, and rips the phone out of my hand.

Daisy's POV

Bailey tries to hand me the phone but I tell her no. I didn't want to talk to him. I finally tell her to go and... Uh... Well, I swear at her and tear the phone away from her.

"Hello?" I whisper.

"Dais, look, don't hang up baby, okay? Just listen. You know I never meant to hurt you. I wish I could take it back, but I can't. I beat myself up for it everyday. It kills me that we aren't together. It was a careless mistake that I PROMISE I will never make again. You mean so much to me, I don't want to lose you. I love you Daisy, I really do." Calum's voice breaks at the end.

"What if I take you back, and you do it again, huh?" I ask him angrily, still not over the fact that he cheated.

"I promise you Daisy. It will never happen again. Dais, what's around your neck right now? Is it a necklace?" Calum asks softly. I clutch at it gently.

"Yeah," I say sheepishly, still holding the necklace.

"Our love is forever. Infinity," Calum says quietly.

"Infinity," I repeat after him softly. "You promise you will never do that to me again?" I ask. I never want to be hurt like that again, ever.

"I promise, and I mean it. I love you Dais, and I'm not losing you again." Calum says.

"I love you too, Cal."

After 10 minutes of talking, crying, apologising and working everything out, Caisy is back on. Nothing can ruin my mood.

"Come on, lets go for a swim." Bailey says cheerfully, grabbing my arm.

"Okay," I smile, following her.

We quickly get changed into our bikinis. I'm wearing the same bandeau style bikini that I wore when the boys stayed over. Bailey and I race each other to the pool and we both jump in holding hands. We sing along to The 1975 for a while, laughing and splashing each other. I finally feel happy again.

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