Chapter 29; Surprise

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Bailey's POV

Daisy and I have been home from the UK for three weeks now, and everything is going well. I've been talking to Luke almost every day, but I miss him a lot. The good news is all the boys are coming down from Sydney in three days to come stay for a week. I'm so looking forward to it! It's a Sunday, and I'm working my part time job at a beauty salon, right next door to the cafè where Daisy works. It's good working next door, we often have lunch breaks at the same time and she always brings me a coffee on the house when she can. It's a pretty slow day, so I'm just sweeping out the front of the salon while I wait for the next client to arrive. I'm humming Voodoo Doll under my breath and I slip my shoes off, walking on my toes barefoot and sweeping the dust into a pan to put it into the bin when I hear the telltale creak of the front door. I'm facing away from it, so I tip the dust in the trash, brush the dirt off my black skinny jeans and turn around with a smile, ready to lead the client into the back room for her pedicure, but end up dropping the dustpan and brush with a huge crash and cupping my hands over my mouth in shock.

"Surprise," says Luke with a smile. The four boys stand in front of me, all with huge grins.

"YOU GUYS! Oh my god!" I squeal, pulling them all in for a huge hug. "What are you doing here? You weren't meant to come until Wednesday night! Does my mom know you're here? What about Daisy?"

"Everyone knew except you two, we wanted to surprise you," Ashton laughs.

"Well, you did a damn good job of it!" I say, pulling Luke close and giving him a kiss. "I missed you," I say.

"I missed you, too. We all did," he says with a smirk. "What have you been doing?"

I hear footsteps coming down the hallway. Oh, crap.

"Shit, that's my boss, you guys gotta go. Quick, she's already caught me using my phone today so I'm in the doghouse, go see Daisy next door. My lunch break is in ten minutes, bring me back a coffee. Go go go go go!" I say, whisking them out the door. I lean against the wall and laugh. I can't believe those boys! I hear Daisy yelling from next door, and I can hardly control myself while I try to use the eftpos machine, which is possessed and has made it it's life mission to get me fired, but I'm so happy that I don't even care.

Daisy's POV

We are absolutely SLAMMED at the cafè today, and I've been running around like a madwoman for the last four hours so I'm very much looking forward to twelve o'clock, when Bailey and I both have our lunch break. Glancing at my watch, I sigh in relief. Only ten minutes. I take a heap of orders before turning around to make a bunch of coffees, then place them on the takeaway bench without looking up. I make my way back over to the cash register to take the next order and plaster a fake smile on my face before looking up to take the next order, and when I see Calum pulling a cross-eyed face at me from behind the register I actually knock over one of the takeaway cappuccinos and scream, making the entire cafè go silent and stare at me. I've never been more embarrassed, but I just laugh.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!" I hiss, cleaning up the coffee mess on the bench.

"We came early, to surprise you. Surprise," says Michael with a grin. I smile back widely.

"Aw, you guys! This is awesome! Hold on, my break is in five, what do you guys want? I'll make it then we can get Bailey and go get some lunch."

Luke, Mike and Ash order and I make Calum's coffee exactly how he likes it, then grab my bag and walk out the door and into the salon, holding mine and Bailey's drinks. I hand her a skinny latte with one sugar and the thanks me, slipping her arm around Luke's waist. We start walking up towards a local salad bar, where Bailey and I had planned to go, when the boys start complaining.

"I don't want a salad!"

"That sucks!"

"Is there a Panda Express here?"

"Can't we go to Maccas?"

"No, I want fish and chips!"

Bailey stomps and crosses her arms. "You guys do whatever you want. I'm getting my tandoori chicken salad, that shit is to die for."

Eventually, we compromise and decide on fish and chips for lunch, and tandoori chicken for dinner. We order a huge amount of food, find a spot on the ground in the park across the road and make a little picnic lunch, sitting around and talking about the boys last few weeks in London and what we've been up to since we got home. By the time my hour break is over, I'm so full I feel like my tummy could explode, and I definitely do not want to go back to work. The boys promise to pick us up at 3, and go back to our houses to unload their bags.

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