Chapter 23: The sadness begins

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Sorry for making a couple chapters really sad but, I started running out of ideas! Collab with: jaceyybooo go check her out!!
Jace's POV
I woke up at 9:45am, I heard my phone go off and it was a text message from Kayla.

Kayla💖: Hey.. You wanna go hangout at the mall today?...

Jace❤️: Um... Sorry Kayla, but I'm going to the Movies with Diana..

Kayla 💖: Kay...

Jace ❤️: I really am sorry.

Kayla 💖: It's fine. Have fun.

I got ready to head over to Diana's house. I picked her up and we headed to the movies... Afterwards we went to Starbucks and got coffee.. We sat down at a table and just talked..

Diana smiled and said" Thanks for spending time with me today".

I said" Always". I leaned over and kissed Diana lightly. She kissed back.

We sat there and drank our coffee and then walked to the mall..

Kayla's POV
I sat at home and decided to text my friend Cassadee to see if she wanted to go Hang out at the mall with me.

The conversation
Kayla💖: Hey Cass, you wanna go to the mall with me?.

Cassadee 💚: Suree girly.

Kayla 💖: I'll pick you up in 15.

Cassadee 💚: Mkay.

I got up and picked up my purse and crutches and I hopped downstairs to ask my dad to take Cassadee and I to the mall.

I asked" Hey dad?, Can you please take Cassadee and I to the mall?".

My dad said" Yes, but I need you to be back by 2".

My dad grabbed his keys and we both got in the car. We picked up Cassadee.

Cassadee got in the car and asked" I thought Jace would be coming?".

I said" No, he's with Diana. His girlfriend".

Cassadee and I arrived at the mall and got out of the car. I grabbed my crutches and we  made our way to the mall and went to a Frozen yogurt place.

I ordered" Hi, I would like a Chocolate strawberry Frozen yogurt".

Cassadee said" Me too". While we were waiting for the frozen yogurt.. I saw Jace.

I poked Cassadee" Cass, Look there's Jace". I grabbed our frozen yogurt and handed Cassadee hers...

Cassadee looked towards Jace and said" No way, That's his girlfriend?". She pointed to the girl walking next to him.

I nodded" Yup".

Cassadee laughed" Wow, Your prettier than her".

I said" Not really, I'm just me". I looked down as I said that.

It's true though, Everybody was better than me. I was kind of just in this world for some reason I don't even know.

Cassadee had a mouth full of frozen yogurt and she replied" I dare you to go up and kiss Jace".

I looked at Cassadee" What?!?".

Cassadee laughed" Just do it".

I rolled my eyes" Fine, But afterwards I'm hopping away as fast as I can".

I handed Cassadee my frozen yogurt. Then I hopped over behind Jace and Diana.. They didn't know I was behind them, I tapped Jace on the shoulder while trying to hold my crutch.

He turned around and said" Oh Hey Kay..". I cut him off before he could finish, I placed my lips on his and then quickly hopped away as fast as I could..

Cassadee was laughing so hard, She handed me my frozen yogurt and exclaimed" Oh my god! That was the funniest thing ever, his girlfriend just ran away crying".

Cassadee and I went to go leave the mall, when we left I saw Jace kneeled down in the middle of the road.. I looked to see why and there Diana was... Laying in the middle of the road...

She looked terrible, I had a terrified look on my face...

Jace saw me hopping closer and he yelled" NO! STAY AWAY! YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH".

I stood there broken, I tried to hold back my tears... I hopped away on my crutches as fast as I could, towards my house....

I made it home and I went to up my room and grabbed a razor blade and I said" This is what I deserve... I'm just a worthless person.. Everything's my fault".

I started to cut, they were kinda deep.... I cut until blood was running down my arm. I then collapsed onto the floor and I fell unconscious because of how much blood I lost....

I could heard my dad screaming my name worriedly, I couldn't open my eyes... I felt myself be picked up... But I finally fell fully unconscious...

I'm sorry Diana.....

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