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01:"I'm at practice."

"Maia, stop crying

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"Maia, stop crying. Jesus Christ," my older brother, Miguel,  complains when I got into the car with my best friend Aaliyah. I held my breath and forced myself not to cry but when I looked out of the window again, seeing my dogs waiting in the front yard, watching me how I'm leaving them here, I started crying again.

"How can you expect me to stop crying when I'm not fucking allowed to take them with me?!" I suddenly let all my anger out and break in tears. Feeling my emotions being one hundred times worse since I'm on my period.

"You're going to live in a damn dorm, of course you can't take dogs with you. Especially three." He rolls his eyes and kept focusing on the streets again.

When I saw my littlest puppy, Pignoli, jump, I started crying worse because we just adopted it two weeks ago, "Please just let me jump in front of a car, it'll hurt less then leaving my babies alone!" I cry further and hugged my best friend who was laughing at me. She's afraid of dogs and never wanted to visit me because of them.

I didn't even care.

"Maia." Miguel gazes back at me, sharing hateful eyes that I should stop whining.

"You don't know how much they mean to me, Miguel! How am I supposed to sleep? Who is going to wake me up? Oh my god, I screamed at Ophelia yesterday because she pissed on my MacBook, I'm such a bad mother!" I cry worse and wrapped my arms around Aaliyah's legs.

"We'll FaceTime with them, don't worry sis." She strokes through my long thick and black hair.

"Shut up. I know how much you enjoy this." I state and drag my nails into her tights.

"Ugh!" She screams and slapped the back of my head roughly which caused it to ache.

"I'd say I'd annoy you so you won't sleep from now on but I sleep longer than you. You got lucky." I roll my eyes but placed my head more comfortable on her tights to sleep a little until Miguel would drive us to our dorm.

"I can already hear both of you fighting every day."

"Miguel?" Aaliyah breaks in after and leaned forth, looking at the side of his face.

"Yeah?" He asks my best friend annoyed.

"Who asked for your opinion?" She smiles and leaned back in the seat while holding her laugh back.

I could swear my brother has a crush on her but I never asked him. But Aaliyah isn't someone made for relationships anyway, she's more on her own, living for herself and enjoying her life. She never ever had a crush on a guy, never loved a guy or even cares about them.

While the guys were head over heals in high school about us. Her phone never stopped ringing because of the multiple texts she got. I mean, my best friend isn't ugly. Her short light brown little curls, her hazel-brown (and mysteriously sometimes green) eyes and her tanned skin is reason enough to fall in love with her.

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