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06: "And I'll be there at any fight."

M A I A' S  P O V:

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M A I A' S P O V:

I slowly open my eyes, yawning because of how amazing I slept today. I never slept this good in months, or ever.

As I wanted to crack my back and stretch my body I noticed strong arms around my waist and how someone pressed me so tight against his chest that I wouldn't have the opportunity to move.

My lips directly curve up to a smile as I saw the familiar tattoos, Justin asleep hugging me and looking like an innocent puppy. Just now I noticed his long black and full lashes which I'm jealous of.

Biting on my lip just at the view of his tattooed arms around me, his hands holding tight onto me.

I couldn't hold myself back and brushed with my long nails up to his chest, playing with his shirt. He heavily breathed out through his nose, squeezing his eyes like a baby as his grip on me got tighter which I obviously enjoyed.

Cuddling my head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

"BITCH YOU BETTER WAKE UP BECAUSE- oh my god.." Aaliyah stormed in my room but jumped up when she saw both of us in my bed, "Maia and Justin. Justin and Maia, can you believe?" She chuckled and now I felt how Justin woke up since his body moved.

I looked up at him, he let go of me to rub his eyes and jumped slightly in his spot after realizing he's laying next to me.

I love his shy juicy ass.

"Sorry, Angel.." he murmurs under his morning voice which I could melt to.

"He calls her angel," Aaliyah squeaked and directly left the room but screamed from the outside, "Don't forget to pack, we're leaving tomorrow!"

I nodded to myself and rested myself back in my bed and Justin's body which I noticed tensed up, "Sorry, she's.. very direct."

He didn't say anything which worried me that he's going back to the way he always treated me but when he shyly smiled at me I knew he's trying not to, "Where are you leaving?"

"Home. Just for two days," I answer but somehow it made sad because I wouldn't see him.

But I'll see my dogs.

Justin nodded and cracked his back, saying with a lower voice, "I got to go now."

"Okay," I pull my bottom lip out and started hiding my face when I remember how I asked him to stay and hugged his body as if he'd be my boyfriend, "Sorry for.. ugh.. making you stay though you wanted to leave.. I don't know what I say when I'm tired.."

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