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29:"I am going to marry you,"

29:"I am going to marry you,"

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Two months later

I was jumping with my rope in my hands in front of the mirror in the boxing club. Twenty minutes already had passed but I never felt this good in my entire life.

"Twenty five.." Miguel counts my minutes and I pulled my face while looking at him through the mirror. He is sitting on a chair and facing my back. 

I let the oxygen deeply run through my lungs, slowly, as I remain jumping. The smile on my face didn't disappear though my feet started hurting.

"Few days," I hiss but kept jumping in rhythm.

"Don't talk!" He yells to cut me off so I would focus on jumping but I stopped and threw my jumping rope through the room in happiness, "Why would you-"

"Dude, only a few days are left until my final fight," I breathe out in exhaustion while letting myself fall and grab my water bottle.

"Justin, I'm not kidding but I've seen posters of you and him around Instagram and stuff, look!" Miguel cheers up in excited tones as he lifted his phone.

I frown my eyebrows.

I know that I had to do something like kind of a photoshoot but I would never expect that people will talk about me. I should think of it though, Connor Davies is one the biggest fighters alive. Sure, there were way more famous boxers but he is also one of them. And someone like me, who isn't known at all, is fighting against him made people talk about me too.

The past two months have been the best of all... I'm clean for twenty days already and barely drink. Ever since Miguel and I were in jail, and Angel catching me at my worst, everything changed.

I promised her to get professional help because I couldn't tell James since he'd cancel my fight immediately. I couldn't tell anyone and she accepted it. So me getting help was our little secret.. I still didn't want her to see me like this but she checked up on me without me recognising it. Calling my psychologist if I regularly go and if I developed for good.

We started my therapy by reducing my consume, I got a replacement instead of cocaine at first and couldn't be happy enough that she didn't have to see me like this. First, I needed my body to get used to being sober with no drugs and had to give something much easier instead.

Thinking about her... None of us mentioned our relationship towards Miguel. If he'd still be against us, I wouldn't care anyway.

I see her around the campus though, she looks cute as hell.

I couldn't tell if she's still angry at me or not, but I know she's staring at me all the time whenever I am on the campus or generally close to her.

Besides the campus, she never sees me. I don't show myself and avoid her to see my messy self. Sometimes, call me a stalker, but I followed her home to make sure she was safe or followed her to her classes. A couple of times I caught her talking to guys, even her ex who I threatened the second she wasn't in the view anymore.

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