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BEFORE YOU READ, I'm low key asking for you guys to vote and comment a little extra on this chapter.. I update days in a row but barely get any feedback.

My votes sinked from almost 80 to 40,

the comments went down from 110 to not even 30..

It's really depressing for a writer to spend hours (sometimes days) of writing and barely get anything back. I know a lot of you guys like/enjoy/love this story and I fucking appreciate it still. It's just really frustrating to barely see any feedback after spending hours to give you something.

(Honestly I'm not trying to push myself but I do.. I'm feeling like I'm the only one updating regularly when you compare it to the old wattpad days..:/ )

It takes not even a half minute for you to comment something nice nor does voting take you two seconds but me writing that chapter takes up to days often. Thank you

16: "You have to do more than what you just did before to pay off what you caused."

"Stop hiding yourself!" I yell at my display the second Justin switched the camera so I wouldn't see him

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"Stop hiding yourself!" I yell at my display the second Justin switched the camera so I wouldn't see him.

"Alright, alright." He whispers and shows me his face. His hazel eyes look up, away from the phone which meant someone probably is inside  of his dressing room.

"Is someone there?" I mouth slowly and he nodded.

"Hey Angel!" I hear James scream through the room which caused me to chuckle but tighten my face since it sounded weird when someone else called me by my first name.

Justin knits his eyebrows to show off an angry face, "Dude, I'm the only one calling her like that."

James chuckled along and I heard the door shut after he said that Justin had fifteen more minutes.

"Things get more serious now.." He states and I see him lean back in a seat.

"What do you mean?" I wonder and lay on my side to lay on my bed.

"What I mean is.. you'll be able to watch my fight on tv.." his eyebrows rise up with a shy but proud smile. My lips form to an 'o' shape that I hid my face in my pillow.

"For real?!" I scream out in excitement for him.

"Yeah.. I hope not to get any fights for this week that it makes me stay longer.." He shakes his head and watched me on his screen intensively, "I missed you."

I pull my lips out, "I missed you more!" I cry out and placed my phone right in front of my face on the bed since I was laying. It had been more than a week, nine days to be more specific and I miss him like hell. I barely slept, we shared my bed ever since Aaliyah moved out.

Hidden in lies- book one | completed Where stories live. Discover now