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05:"Who are you really?"

05:"Who are you really?"

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Justin's PoV:

"How is dad?" I force myself to ask my older sister, Jianna, through the phone.

"Finally you're calling? Last time I called you shut it to my face," she bitched back. I bite in my cheek, hating myself that I even have called her. Shaking my head as I looked up to the stars then down to Miguel who is waiting in the car for me to finish the damn call.

Damn Angel for interrupting the call that I had to end it.

"Never mind, just forget-"

She interrupted me, "He's still in coma," Jienna huffed. 

"Are you there?" I ask further, knitting my eyebrows because I didn't know what else to ask. Scratching the side of my neck as my feet played with the stones in the ground because of the awkwardness or loneliness in me.

"Yes. We all are. Mamma, Enrico, Alessia, Jac and his girlfriend," she counts slowly, giving me the feeling of not being a part of the family and realize that I wasn't there for a long time because my littler brother has a new girlfriend.

"Jac has a girlfriend?" I wonder and couldn't believe that my littler brother had brought another girl home while I never did.

I wonder why I never could bring a girl home.

"Yes, Noemi. She's cute! Mamma loves her," Jienna whispers, taking care of what to say to me that I won't get upset.

Too late.

"Of course she does. I mean, her only son has brought a perfect Italian daughter in law to her home," I comment and roll my eyes, biting in my cheek as I squeezed my eyes shut. Balling my fists as I tried my best to ignore how alone I actually am.

"Justin.." my sister worries, "We all miss you."

I breathed a laugh out, asking myself if she had heard herself, "Missing the disappointment of the family? You're telling me that mamma and papà miss the one who brings nothing but shame to the family?"

"You're exaggerating, it's been years and you still-"

"And you're all still blaming me!" I interrupt her as my voice rises that even Miguel came out of the car. Sharing a pity face with me but I just shake my head and hated how everything turned out.

"Why don't you just visit us? Why aren't you there for your family? We don't know if papà is gonna wake up or," She stopped talking, I hear her sob which caused me to decrease, "We are a family regardless of what you think, we need you right now."

"Do you really think that papà would want me there?" I shake my head and turned around once Miguel went through his hair and listened to my conversation. Jienna gave me silence which showed me I wasn't wrong. Though four years had been passed, time didn't change me being the disappointment of the family. My parents wouldn't change. They wouldn't want me. I can imagine my papà accept me back once is agree to be part of the family, a part of the business. But my mamma would never. She wouldn't accept any decision I make with my life since they don't fulfil her expectations.

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