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22: "I'm falling, angel."

I was still knocked out and covered with the sheets laying in my bed

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I was still knocked out and covered with the sheets laying in my bed. The tiredness in me was so heavy I could sleep for twenty hours but Justin said he had a surprise for me which was waiting for me and that we had to get ready as soon as possible.

I inhaled in to give my lungs the oxygen it needed after feeling breathless and checked the time to see that we only enjoyed each other for one hour.

He opened the door, his wet body is only covered with a towel around his hips. I missed his longer hair already since water would normally drop his body down but because of his stitches on his head, he had to cut them.

"Do they hurt?" I question and had his attention within a second.


"Your stitches. They're all around your body, literally," I whisper the last part to myself and sat up but pulled the sheet to cover my chest.

"Oh," he hummed and shook his head before opening my closet, "I don't even feel them."

I raise my eyebrows in disbelief and went through my messy hair.

"Don't you want to shower?" He whispers while looking through my stuff to find his own clothes which I hid.

"Behind my jeans," I help him though he didn't ask for help, nodding to myself when he finally found his own pair of wearing, "And yes, I probably should now."

"Your loss for not joining me." He chuckles and turns to me with my favourite shirt of him in his hands.

"No! That's my favourite! I sleep in them.." I pull my lip out and stretched my hand and acted like I'd magically get it somehow.

He twitches his shoulders, "I don't have anything else here, you don't need it anymore."

"Why wouldn't I need it anymore?!" I argue while finally standing up but cross my arms over my chest to cover myself.

Am I the only one hating it to walk around without a bra?

"Because I'm back and you won't need to wear anything during your sleep, you're lucky if you get to sleep a little," he winks and smirked while getting fully dressed.

I rolled my eyes, finding it quite funny now because of how sexual he sometimes can be.

I heard him say something else which I didn't understand much since I slammed my bathroom door to shower. My breath was stuck in my throat when I saw the multiple hickeys around my thighs and belly which meant I couldn't wear a crop top nor shorts.

Sometimes I could really slap him.

I bite my lip and took the shampoo bottle in my hand and tried to give the splashing water on my skin the power to calm me down which wasn't working.

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