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07: "I missed you,"

"Do I look good?" I panic before I'd ring the bell of Justin and Miguel's apartment as I turn to Aaliyah who rolled her eyes at me

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"Do I look good?" I panic before I'd ring the bell of Justin and Miguel's apartment as I turn to Aaliyah who rolled her eyes at me.

"Honey, you're so hot it will make Justin pregnant!" She almost screams but I directly slam my palm on her mouth, making my eyes widen.

"Don't scream!" I hiss.

She just twitches her shoulders and I could feel her smile which caused me to let go of her. Ringing the bell and hide behind Aaliyah who directly grabbed my wirst, forcing me to stand right next to her.

Miguel opened the door and already had his luggage in his hands but looked confused when he saw me without anything, "What's wrong with you?"

"Actually a lot," I murmur to myself but had to explain myself as I looked up to him, "I can't come due to I've got so many things to do for college.. can you tell mom I'll be there next week?"

"She's going to kill me for leaving you alone.." he slapped his forehead, massaging his temper after.

"She isn't alone. Justin is here," Aaliyah comments which almost made me pushing her the stairs down since my brother started to look confused.

"And? He's not her baby sitter."

"Obviously you prick? I just wanted to make things clear. She's not that alone. If our apartment is in flames she sure has someone who can help her in emergencies," Aaliyah fights and bit in her cheek while shaking her head.

Now Miguel seemed pissed as he stepped forward, "Who the hell talked to you?" His eyes burning in anger.

"You are doing it right now!" She yells at him, lifting her hands up which now confused the hell out of me, "Gonna be a fun ride with you, NOT! I already see myself jumping in front of a car if you interrupt my sleep."

"Okay, what is going on?" I question since they suddenly started fighting but I got distracted by Justin who was behind Miguel, wearing nothing but his sweatpants, his hair messy. Basically, looking like a whole snack, winking at me, "Holy shit," I whisper under my breath but regretted it once Miguel sharply turned around but luckily Justin directly left.

"What?" Miguel wonders but I simply twitch my shoulders.

"Nothing? I'm hungry," I let him know and stormed inside with Aaliyah who slapped my shoulder since she understood.

Miguel follows us, slamming the door behind him as he started to get annoyed, "Maia, we have to go!"

"Told you that I can't come? I'm busy!" I answer in despair but had to hold my smile back when Justin shortly chuckled for himself after he heard me lying to my brother.

"Your first semester did just start, three months and your exams won't be-"

"Oh my god!" I slap my forehead and tried to make up another lie, "Just tell mom that- Wait, you know what? She'll listen to Aaliyah anyway," I turn to her and smiled.

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