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25: "I'm trying to make her happy."


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Plenty of feelings were hitting me at once when I laid my eyes on the two rings I got for Aaliyah today. My heart beats like crazy, unable to calm down because I can't wait to finally ask her to be with me forever.

I pressed my lips together, imagined how we were officially living together with our son and other kids around one day.

The two rings weren't enough to show how much I appreciate her doing all of this. Nothing I could buy her wouldn't ever be enough to express how thankful I am that she's carrying my child and chose to take college on break once the baby is here.

Ever since the baby got bigger and we finished the sixth moth she finally started to chill a little more. She wasn't working out like crazy anymore nor was she running around the town in the middle of the night. The funny part is  when she came back from those jogging she ate like a wild animal.

Sometimes she woke me up at three a.m. just to tell me she wanted to eat strawberries. Her actual obsession ever since she's pregnant.

I hid the box in my wardrobe beneath my underwear since that was the only part she never touched.

As I walked out and entered the living room I caught her on a yoga mattress meditating.

"When will you ever-"

"Shhhh," she instantly interrupted me. Multiple books were laying on top of her head whilst she balanced them until she started to laugh and all of them fell back, "You just ruined everything!"

"I'm sorry, baby." I apologise and walked towards her to kiss her. My eyes look down at her bump but I started shaking my head when I saw that she was eating strawberries again, "Do you need more? I can go and get some."

She smiled and laid on the couch, "Thanks, babe. But I already bought some this morning."

I walked around her to sit between her legs to pull them around me. She was only wearing shorts and a bra like always which gave the perfect view of my baby. Slowly I place my hands on the side of her belly and placed my ear on her skin.

"You wanna play football?" I hiss the question and pulled my lip out just to place multiple kisses on the belly, "Then daddy needs to see you as soon as possible. He can't wait!"

Aaliyah giggles which I chose to ignore since my son and I are having a conversation.

"Yes, you can go out after that. I'm not telling mommy, no." I started chuckling myself when I felt her slapping the top of my head.

"He's gonna be mommy's boy!"

"If we ever get a girl she'll be daddy's girl then." I argue back with a smile and placed more kisses and backed off when I felt him kicking, "Shit."

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