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08: "She did it, Maia. She did it in front of me,"

My jaw drops the second Justin started to fight like a monster

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My jaw drops the second Justin started to fight like a monster. Punching his rival over and over again which scared me that I thought Justin is going to kill him.

"YES, BABY!" I accidentally scream at the top of my lungs and caught everyone's attention which I didn't care about. Justin quickly looked at me, smiling and winking before he kept punching and defending himself.

His muscles, his tattoos and how his sweat was making his black skin, because of the tattoos, shine. His rival was dragged in the edge, Justin watched him and waited to punch him again. My forehead frowns when I noticed Justin's gaze suddenly is in the audience.

He didn't watch his rival but was like out of zone.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" I scream and jumped up when Justin's rival, called Diego, punched Justin right in his face which had him shook that he had to process.

"James," I cry out aloud, turning to him as my nails penetrate his suit when Diego kept punching Justin which had everyone cheer even more. Diego used his opportunity of Justin processing the first punch that he kept hitting.

"He's not focused," James comments in panic with a serious expression on his face. My eyes widen in shock, questioning why he suddenly wasn't focussed anymore.


"Shit," James utters under his breath and stood up hysterically. My gaze follow him running to the boxing ring to see Justin almost knocked out sitting on the chair, hearing rings and people screaming because the second round is over which means a few seconds of break for the both of them.

James, which I found out is his manager and somehow trainer and best friend, got into the ring, handing Justin water. Now recognising blood dripping down his lips which made my eyes teary. I couldn't hold myself back and run towards Justin but got hold back by security.

"Sorry Ms, but you can't-"

"Get the fuck out of my way!" I yell and tried to push him away but of how tall and muscular he is, it was impossible for me.

"Ms, please go back to your seat before we have to kick you out."

"Gustavo, she's fine let her go through!" James yells over and I just smiled ironically and ran over to Justin. Pulling myself up to the boxing ring but the elastic band separating us, "Justin?"

He hardly looked up and I sucked my breath in when I saw that his eye was bleeding, "Justin?" I hiss and he nodded in respond.

"We have to quit," James breaks in as he turned Justin's face to him, "You have to go to the hospital."

Justin immediately shakes his head, whispering, "No."

"Justin, what happened?" James asks further, while he took Justin's nerve by asking tons of questions, I grabbed the tissue off his hand and wipe away the blood dripping down the side of Justin's lips. He ignored James, his bloody eye watching me as a smile curved on his lips.

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