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21:"The one I show you is the one I want to be."

Today I woke up better than I did the past two weeks of crying myself to sleep every night

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Today I woke up better than I did the past two weeks of crying myself to sleep every night.

"My baby!!" I yell when Oreo was already up and waiting for me to finally be awake. I smile and hug him softly, making sure to control myself and not hug him to death.

He barked hysterically and made himself comfortable on my lap so I'd play with him a little. I stayed in position a little more before I'd stand up to get ready. After I dressed myself and left my room I noticed the whole house quiet as it had ever been before.

The dogs were even quiet.

I was back in New York for another weekend since Washington was remembering me to Justin all the time, whom I didn't see nor heard anything of for more than two weeks.

I was better now, accepted the fact that he might needed a time off but when he'd show himself again I wouldn't even make any effort to fight for what was left since I wasn't sure what was left anymore.

Together with Oreo I was walking downstairs to see nobody which really scared me since this was the last thing I needed. Looking around the living room to see everything cleaned up but when I saw the dogs in our backyard I started going to its direction. My lips curve up to a huge smile when I saw balloons and decoration all around the garden.

"Happy nineteenth!" My parents screams as pink confetti was flying around. I noticed my name written with golden balloons just like my age.

All of my dogs jumped on me before my parents had the chance to. I couldn't help but laugh from heart, finally. I forgot the pain I held inside of me the past weeks and chose to focus on the good and happiness in my life since I really shouldn't make myself feel miserable over something and someone who didn't deserve my attention.

"Thank you!" I yell in happiness and finally hugged my mom and dad.

"Happy birthday my angel." My mother whispered as she wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I ignored the ache in my heart when I literally could hear him say my angel.

I turn to my dad to see a designer bag which he held in front of his chest for me to see it better.

I started pouting, "No needs for a present, seriously!" I took the gift felt my heart beating like crazy. I hated to accept gifts, especially when I chose to focus on happiness and love instead of materialistic things. Having my family here with me and them taking care of me was more than enough, "Thank you so much!"

"Princess, you know I'd get the world for you." My dad whispered and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I shyly smiled and hugged both of them again, "I wished Aaliyah and Miguel would be here."

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