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12:"Can I stay the night?

Finding out that my car was overheated and Maia actually didn't do anything but was in the wrong place at the wrong time

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Finding out that my car was overheated and Maia actually didn't do anything but was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What we did after?

First we waited someone to pick my baby up to get it to a garage. After that was done, we grabbed some burgers to eat and now we're in the airplane going back to Washington to be there before our friends.

When the plane finally stood still which meant that we're back in Washington, I cracked my back since I hated sitting in small places like airplanes. I directly tap on her shoulder since she was asleep and cuddled up with her jacked. First she groans sleepy and went through her messy hair, lifting her head slowly as she looked through her long black eyelashes up to me.

Getting lost in the depth of her dark brown eyes until she rubbed them. A smile appeared on her face and she swiftly squeezed my biceps, resting her forehead on it for a second before she stood up.

"Are you okay?" I hear her ask me.

I instantly swallow my words down, smiling at her and trying to ignore the panic inside of me because of how close the walls and everything else is to me, "Yeah."

I wasn't able to move forward anymore since my body almost slammed against her's. She turns around, her hands travel my arms up to cup my neck before she smiled at me and tightly hugged me.

"Now it is you acting weird ever since we're in here." She whispers, making me stand like a cold rock while she warmed me up.

She let go to stare at my face once again, cupping my cheek and stroking over my cheekbones with her thumb, making my heart beat like crazy. The feeling of security came over my body like a shudder.

I was only able to twitch my shoulders since I'm the worst in confronting my issues and sharing them with anyone. Especially to someone who means something.

"Come on," she breaks the silence, grabbing my hand so I follow her. I look at our intertwined hands and smiled, loving how she knows that I've got something I'm fighting on my own with but not ready to tell her so instead of asking me out about it she makes me feel like it isn't a big deal. Like it's okay and comforting me by deciding my own choices and living without fearing the must to tell her everything.

"I've claustrophobia," I tell her the second we left the airplane.

Her bottom lip instantly was pulled out, "Why didn't you tell me before? We could drive back to Washington with-"

"Airplanes are faster." I interrupt her and couldn't turn my head away from her beauty. Not just the way she looks but it's like I see her personality through her eyes. That's why I love her warm eyes. They make me feel her beauty; my cold soul no longer freezing in loneliness anymore.

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