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30:"You're my dream, Angel. The missed puzzle which completes my life."

Bebé:Where are you?

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Where are you?


Is college more fun than me?
Come back

... seriously?
I'll be back in three hours 😴


I ignored him demanding me to come back home because my class just had started thirty minutes ago. I rolled my eyes while I tried to focus on the professor talking which from my side is way too hard since it's 8:30 am and I feel like today is the first time I actually appeared in his class. Morning classes are nothing for me. My phone buzzed again and interrupted my concentration.

I dreamed about you

My eyes widen and the person next to me heard me sighing and catching for air.

"You alright?" He whispered and I hardly nod while covering my screen so nobody would see his message. I lower the brightness of my display and thought about what to answer with. Turning to the guy next to me while showing him a nod and a fake smile so he'd turn back to the professor.

I'll be back soon

Fuck that
I need you now

I've to finish now's class ok?
I'll be back after

Either you come here now
I'm picking you up

Second choice will end up worse

How worse?

Worse like fucking you senseless

I'm trying to tell you that my cock
is hard like a rock

The air around me instantly got hotter and I lower my head while I officially stopped paying attention to the professor and hide my face. Biting my lip to get rid of the arousal he gave my body so I started pressing my legs together. I didn't know what to text back, I am the worst in dirty talk and texting such words is a nightmare of mine.

Sitting back up to stare at my display and his words while nothing came into my mind to answer with. So I kept staring until I saw the three dots which meant he's typing again. He's really frustrated.

Hidden in lies- book one | completed Where stories live. Discover now