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02:"I fucking met you for the second time and you already put your nose in every damn business of mine."

"Read me now," Aaliyah asks me as she held a cup of tea in her hands, shaking her eyebrows up and down while we sat in front of each other

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"Read me now," Aaliyah asks me as she held a cup of tea in her hands, shaking her eyebrows up and down while we sat in front of each other.

"I told you that I can't read people yet," I roll my eyes and started to go through my Instagram feed.

"I thought that's what you learn in psychology? Boring as hell," she hissed and put her earphones back in her ears, listening to music as she started to ignore me.

"Bitch," I whisper under my breath and crossed my arms on my chest.

A smile formed on her lips, she held her phone up to show me that she isn't actually listening to music, "You know I always put my earphones in so it looks like I'm listening to music so nobody talks to me. I heard you," she winks at me and stood up to go to the kitchen.

My jaw drops in shock, "Why did you never tell me about this life hack before?"

Both of us started laughing while she came back with chocolate in her hands, "It's my cheat day. Don't look at me like that."

"Wasn't yesterday your-"

"Pssst.." She shakes her head with a smile.

I lift my hands up, "It's okay," I respond and agree not to say anything else to her but I couldn't help and smile, "At least share!"

"Are you back at it again with your period?"

"I'm-" I wanted to tell her I wasn't but I felt that I'm going to get them in a week.

"Anyway I missed your brother and Mr. Boxer. Shall we visit them today?" She grins at me due to I didn't stop thinking about Justin ever since.

I've seen him a couple of times around the campus but he was always alone except when my brother was with him. He didn't look around to check girls out. I've seen every girl checking him out, though. I don't blame them. I literally dreamed about his tattoos. I can tell that he's so much more than this quiet guy he pretends to be.

I really would expect him to be flirty all the time.

Though some girls tried to talk to him, he ignored all of them.

"I don't know.." I tell my best friend but she directly slapped my shoulder and gave me hateful eyes.

I didn't tell her that I literally sneaked into his room and got to hear that he had a phone call, that he was looking really sad and that he is hiding something.

"Girl, I can already tell you both are made for each other. Go and get him. I bet he loves confident girls."

I roll my eyes, "You exactly know that I'm not confident."

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