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26:"what's your name, if I'm not harming your privacy?"

She spend nights of staying in front of Justin's apartment just in case he'd come outside

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She spend nights of staying in front of Justin's apartment just in case he'd come outside. Each time she knocked, rang the bell; he always ignored her.

In the morning she'd go back to the hospital to stay with Aaliyah since she needed to be there a little more.

"Girls, you have to eat," her mother broke the girls' silence as she whispered in the quiet room. The brown tired eyes look around to see her brother sleeping. His head was resting on the desk but covered in his arms. She sees him asleep the first time after what happened.

She turns right to Aaliyah who looked like she gave totally up on life. She was constantly crying, never stopped, her eyes were literally red. You couldn't spot a single white colour. She was a mess, something nobody ever seen her going through.

Aaliyah felt things, things nobody understood.

Then there was his innocent angel, not knowing what was worse: her nephew's death or him leaving her right after it happened.

Miguel was quiet when someone mentioned Justin's name. Funny how everything goes silent whenever it comes to Justin. Even himself.

He blocked her or probably changed his phone number. She didn't see him in three days and felt like every second passing, everything becomes even worse.

Whatever her eyes met, it reminded her to him.

Everything that could go wrong in her life, went wrong.

"Aaliyah, you have to eat." Her mother now added and lifted strawberries up. Aaliyah's eyes instantly watered that she had to cover her eyes and shake her head.

She always ate strawberries throughout her whole pregnancy.

"Can you guys leave us alone for a second?" Aaliyah almost whispered while looking straight to Miguel, "He should get out a while. I don't want to see him."

He instantly woke up after hearing her voice. His eyes were as red as her's, "What happened?"

"Come on, son. You should go home and shower and come back." His mother smiles as she stood up.

He shook his head, "I can't leave her al-"

"Go," she hissed. She couldn't see him as depressed and miserable as her. He was no help like this, "And bring some clothes. I want to leave today."

Miguel nodded and promptly stood up, going outside with his mother and Aaliyah's mother. As the door is shut, she looked at her best friend and started crying hysterically.

Maia felt it right in her heart. She also lost her love. Her arms wrap around her best friend's back, pressing her a little closer to herself.

Aaliyah squeezed Maia's body, trying to push her frustration out so the pain would disappear but she knew it wouldn't.

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