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11:"I think we should talk."

"Wake up in the morning feelin' like P Diddy,Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city," I sing to myself while staring in the mirror, trying to fix my long messy hair

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"Wake up in the morning feelin' like P Diddy,
Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city," I sing to myself while staring in the mirror, trying to fix my long messy hair.

Seeing Justin waking up through the mirror, sitting up while rubbing his eyes. Looking innocent as hell with his tired puffy eyes and his tattoos make him look manly," Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack, 'cause-"

"Baby girl, come back and lay with me."

My body froze, I literally could feel the blood in my veins thawing me back to sense. I instantly turn to him, left and right to realise what he just told me. And how he called me.

He laid back down, swinging the blanket on him so the place where I slept was exposed, setting my place ready for me to lay down.

I didn't wait any longer and literally jumped up, proud of myself that I'm already looking fresh to impress him.

"Morning," I wiggle my eyebrows as I hop next to him with a dorky smile on my lips.

His lips curve up, rubbing his eyes again as he covers my body under the blanket and pulling me closely to his chest. I hold my breath when I felt his large hands losing its grip on my hip to brush along my side to my lower back.

My breath goes irregular, especially when his other hand pressed my head closer to his chest that not even a piece of paper could slide through us. Hearing his heartbeat, his breathing calmed me down and the way he crawled and played with my hair.

He finally responds, "Morning, Angel."

Leaving me speechless. He's impressing me every day, any second.

I couldn't help but smile like I never did before when he kissed my forehead. There is always something special about forehead kisses. It wasn't sexual at all but shows how much he cares, and that I mean a lot to him.

My right free hand directly cup the side of his throat to brush my nails up and down to show him I was also caring. My left hand hugged his side whilst I felt his skin on mine. Seeing him close his eyes and enjoy my touch made me smirk which I hid since he'd stop showing the effect I have on him if I'm too obvious.

"How did you sleep?" I wonder, starting a conversation.

He opened his eyes for a second but closed them directly so he wouldn't look in my eyes, admitting, "A way I never have slept before."

"Same. I slept like a baby." I agree, my hands searching for his. As they finally touched, I intertwine our fingers together and loved the feeling he gave me. The way of how strong he held me, as if he is scared to let go.

"What's up for today? Anything else on your list?"

I immediately nod, lifting my eyebrows and biting on my bottom lip after, "Yes, but it's a surprise."

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