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23:"I know you're lying again,"

I think I could agree with my dad for the first time in my entire life

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I think I could agree with my dad for the first time in my entire life.

»Figlio, if you ever fall in love with a woman, you'll love her because she'll remind you to your mother. Because you want to bring someone home your mother will love to see you with, herself.«

I think every mother's greatest fear is to let go of their children and trust them to someone's hands they don't know.

I've always been my mothers favourite; her greatest fear to lose.

Seeing my angel asleep, knocked out and all cuddled up on my chest impressed me anytime.

It's hard to believe, for me at least, to realize that someone loves you.

Someone besides your mother.

And I couldn't thank whoever was up in the sky enough that I got blessed with a mother and an angel like her. I was blessed that this someone in sky chose to give me his most precious angel which he probably misses.

But I'm not giving her back, ever.

I stare at her face, her thin eyebrows and big eyes, her long lashes and tiny nose, her plumper lips which started to make me believe in heaven since they tasted like it. 

I wanted to kiss her again, feel heaven on my lips and let her dig holes into my wall.

She's so close.

So close to break it but it seems so impossible to her.

I couldn't tell her that's she's almost done, done with the majority of breaking the wall. I trusted her, I loved her, I lived because of her.

Now I just waited for the time to come and let everything happen.

I often heard that a man's only opportunity to become blind is when he fell in love.

That's the truth.

I hated everything before I had her. I was a loner, all alone with no feelings walking through the streets.

And I kind of still am. I'm lost. Lost because I gave her my all. I can't imagine a life without her, to wake up knowing she hates me. I couldn't do that. I couldn't live like that.

That's when I realized that I'm more depended than I am in love.

I'm obsessed with the thought of her caring about me because nobody else did before.
I'm obsessed with the way she's always there because nobody else was before.

And I wouldn't want to change a damn thing about us.

As we finally landed the stewardess was nice enough to inform us since I told them before to leave us alone and that they shouldn't come if we wouldn't need anything.

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