Sorting Hats and Bad Dreams- Chapter 2

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Sorting Hats and Bad Dreams

Chapter 2


                The sights of Hogwarts were truly awesome. Anna hated that she had missed out on it for so many years. When she arrived Professor Dumbledore greeted her apart from everyone else. He asked if she would like to be sorted now since she wasn’t a 1st year. They still had not arrived because they had travelled by boat instead of the magical carriages. Anna agreed to it and while everyone else settled down to their tables and chatted, Anna went up on the platform in front of the teachers and sat on the stool. Professor Dumbledore placed the odd looking hat on her head.

                “Hum….interesting,” the hat began, “Bravery and courage, yes I see those. And your parents were from the house of Godric Gryffindor. Hhhuuummm. Kindness and a willingness to help others are also there, so could it be Hufflepuff?  But no, wisdom and wit is something you treasure, so it shall be Ravenclaw!” the hat announced the last loudly in his gruff, booming voice.

                A loud cheer went up from somewhere. A lot of the students had been watching, but Anna was paying it no mind. She was too busy concentrating on what the hat had said. The hat was wrong; her parents had been a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor, not both Gryffindors. Anna got down and headed for the Ravenclaw table, taking a seat near a girl with light blond hair, so light it was almost white.

                Suddenly two hands were on her shoulders, “Way to go, Anna,” Fred grinned down at her, sitting beside her, “Ravenclaw is good, of course Gryffindor is better.”

                “At least you didn’t go to Slytherin,” George sat down by Fred.

                “That hat is very strange,” Anna said, still thinking about what it had said about her parents.

                “You’re telling us,” they both said together, laughing, “But it is tradition,” George finished.

                “UHHmm, hum..,” the girl beside Anna cleared her throat.

                “Oh Anna, we would like to introduce you to a fellow Ravenclaw. Anna, this is Luna Lovegood,” George said looking over at the blond girl, “Luna, this is Annabelle Blackburn, but you can call her Anna,” Fred finished the introductions. Luna seemed really nice, even though she wore some strange radish looking earrings and some kind of bottlecap necklace. To Anna she looked like what a fairy might look like in human form.

                “It is very nice to meet you, Anna,” Luna said in a whisper soft, almost musical voice.

                “It’s nice to meet you too, Luna,” Anna smiled. She knew she and Luna could be good friends.

                “Take good care of Anna for us,” Fred said as they got up from the Ravenclaw table, “we will see you two later,” they both said together, as they headed back to the Gryffindor table.

                Anna watched as the 1st years were sorted. She could not help the anger she felt that she had missed out on this years ago. She still couldn’t understand why her parents had held her back from Hogwarts. She knew she had been somewhat sickly as a small child and she still had it every once and a while now, but still, Anna was sure that there were others here at Hogwarts who suffered some illness or another. Either way, she couldn’t help some feelings of resentment.

                Anna scanned the hall, looking around and then her eyes meet the ice blue eyes of the first boy she had meet on the train, Draco Malfoy. He had been looking at her, but he quickly turned away. The name Malfoy seemed very familiar to her, but she couldn’t place it. So he was a Slytherin. She was still learning about the house here, but she remembered what Fred and George had said on the train about Slytherin house. She glanced back over at Draco Malfoy, hoping that the twins were wrong. Surely they couldn’t be that bad.

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