A Shocking Revelation- Chapter 13

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A Shocking Revelation


Chapter 13

                Anna wasn’t feeling well again. She went to Madame Pomfrey for her potion, but this time her sickness was bad and Madame Pomfrey kept her in the hospital wing for a couple of days. Anna was very concerned. So far she had been sick just about every month since coming to Hogwarts. Anna feared there was something seriously wrong with her. That night Harry and some of the others from the D.A. broke out of Hogwarts to help Sirius, only Sirius wasn’t in trouble. The dark lord had lured them to the Ministry of Magic. But they were saved in time by the members of the Order of the Phoenix, but Sirius was killed by none other than his own cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. The dark lord attacked Harry, but Dumbledore arrived and others from the Ministry and Voldemort fled.

                Anna was feeling better and it was after she left the hospital when she found out what had happened. She noticed Draco was nowhere to be found and it was through Luna that she learned that Draco’s father had been one of the death eaters that attacked them. Lucius Malfoy was standing trial to be sent to Azkaban prison.

                Anna felt very bad for Draco and she worried about him. She had no way to get in touch with him and school was almost out for the summer.

                Then Dumbledore called her into his office the day before school let out. No one had found her parents and she was pretty sure this meeting had to do with where she was going to spend her summer. She was now 16, but too young to live on her own.

                Once she was seated in front of his desk Dumbledore begin to speak, and Anna could tell he was finding it difficult, “Annabelle, you realize that we still have no word on your parents. I know you are still recovering from this shock and it’s hard for me to tell you this without them here to confirm this. I am pretty sure your mother never confided this to you, which makes this even harder,” Dumbledore paused for a second, “Kendall Blackburn is not your true father.”

                Anna just sat there looking at him, dumbfounded. What was he saying? The feelings coming over Anna were trying to overload her brain until she felt like laughing hysterically. Since coming to Hogwarts her life had been turned upside down. Everything she thought she knew about her life and her loved ones was turning into a nightmare that she didn’t want.

                “Your real father is Remus J. Lupin,” Dumbledore continued, sympathy on his face, “My dear, I know this comes as a surprise to you, but it is true. Don’t ask me why your mother kept this from you, I do not know.”

                It was all starting to make a little more sense to Anna; how her mother and this Lupin appeared so close in the old photos. And then she remembered her dreams, the one’s where her mother was holding her in her arms and crying his name in the foggy moonlit night. Well, Lupin may be her blood father, but she would never claim him, he had abandoned them.

                “I have contacted your true father and you will be spending the summer with Remus.”

                Anna’s eyes shot up to Dumbledore and he was surprised at the anger he saw there, “I will not be spending any time with that man. He left me and my mother. Contact an orphanage or something. I will stay there until I’m old enough to be on my own,” Anna spat out angrily.

                “I cannot do that. You have a next of kin and you will be staying with him,” Dumbledore said firmly and then he softened up, “my dear, you should not be so quick to judge someone you do not know. You do not know what might have motivated his actions or your mother’s for that matter.”

                Anna could feel her entire world falling apart. This all seemed so impossible. She remembered years of wishing to attend Hogwarts and now she was here her entire world was collapsing. The only good thing she could find out of the place was Draco Malfoy. She had been able to meet him here and he was the only good thing coming out of this.

                Dumbledore gave her the address of Remus J. Lupin, her real father. He explained that someone named Nymphadora Tonks would be at the train station to pick her up tomorrow and take her to where she and Lupin lived. What was wrong with him, Anna thought, that he couldn’t even pick up his own daughter?

                When Anna left Dumbledore’s office she went out of her way to head to the Slytherin dorm. She waited near the dorm until she saw a Slytherin she thought might be able to help her, it was Blaise Zambini.

                “Blaise, can I speak to you?” Anna called out.

                He walked over, a brooding look on his face as he looked down his nose at her. He didn’t look happy.

                “I need your help,” she said keeping her voice down.

                “You need my help?” he scoffed, “Why should I help you?”

                “Please,” she said desperately, “I need to get in touch with Draco.”

                “Why should I help you get in touch with Draco? It was you and your little D.A. friends who had his father put away.”

                “Look, I had nothing to do with that, but I am worried about him,” Anna said softly, “and I need to talk to him,” she pleaded desperately.

                “I don’t know,” Blaise said seriously, looking at her with a little more respect. He no longer had an attitude.

                “Could you please just get a message to him for me?”

                “I guess I could do that.”

                Anna quickly wrote down the address that Dumbledore had given her to Lupin’s where she would be staying for the summer, “Would you please send him this address and tell him to please owl me. Let him know I really need him to contact me.”

                “I’ll see what I can do,” he took the paper, folding it and tucking it into his robe.

                “Thank you,” Anna whispered sincerely, and Blaise went into the Slytherin dorms.

                Anna headed back to her own dorm to start packing her things to leave Hogwarts the next day. Her thoughts were on Draco. It helped keep her mind off her mother and the future she was about to start with her new found father, Remus Lupin. Please let Draco be okay, Anna thought, tears coming to her eyes as the thought of possibly never seeing him again hit her. Surely they would see each other again at Hogwarts next year as 6th years.

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