Promises and Terror- Chapter 33

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Promises and Terror

Chapter 33

                Anna ran as fast as she could to the hospital wing on the other side of the castle. She had just found out that Draco had been seriously injured by Harry when she was in Charms class. She didn’t even bother asking Professor Flitwick’s permission to leave, but jumped up after hearing the Patil twins telling Ernie about it, leaving her books and everything behind.

                When she burst through the hospital doors she saw Professor Snape standing over a bed. He looked up at her briefly and then turned his attention back to the bed. Anna walked over and there lay Draco, pale as death, his eyes closed. Anna quickly ran over to the head of the bed.

                “Why are you not in class Miss Blackburn?” Snape asked without looking up. He was running his wand up and down above Draco’s body in concentration. Anna didn’t answer, but just stood there looking down at Draco’s still form.

                “Is there something you wanted?” Snape asked harshly.

                “Sorry sir, but I just came to check on Draco. Is he going to be alright?”

                At first Snape looked over at her in surprise, but his face quickly changed to indifference, “He will be now, but he will need to recover,” Snape said slowly.

                Anna took Draco’s hand in her own. It was limp and cold and she could barely control the emotions of fear that Draco might be dying.

                “Are you sure Professor? He is so pale and cold,” she pulled up a chair, putting her hand to his face; he was still so cold and unresponsive.

                “Miss Blackburn, do you doubt my abilities,” Snape asked harshly.

                “No sir,” Anna said without looking at him.

                “I do not presume to understand why Mr. Malfoy’s health matters to you, but I assure you he will recover,” snape said angrily, “and as for you being out of class without permission, that will cost Ravenclaw 5 house points, and if it happens again you will have detention.”

                Of course, sir,” Anna said not caring if she got detention or lost Ravenclaw a million house points.

                “You may stay here for a little while, but I better not catch you here again when you have classes.”

                “Yes professor,” her eyes were still on Draco. What had Harry done to him?

                Snape left her alone with Draco and Anna was finally able to release the emotions she’d been keeping bottled up since she’d first seen him. Anna let the tears flow and lay her head near his on his pillow. She had to believe Snape that he was going to be alright.

                Anna went to see Draco in the hospital every afternoon after classes, missing dinner, but he was always asleep, in an almost comatose state. His color was looking better but she had yet seen him awake. But then finally after a few days she went into the hospital wing to find him finishing dressing and wide awake. She ran to him, wrapping her arms around him tightly, his going around her. Anna couldn’t stop the tears.

                “It’s okay,” Draco said softly near her ear, his hands going up into her hair, burying his face in it and inhaling her lovely scent that was entirely Anna.

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