Sparks- Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


                Anna missed her 1st class because she overslept and she ran down the hall and into her 2nd class which was Potions with Snape. She was late and everyone in the class stopped what they were doing to look her way.

                “You are late Miss Blackburn,” Snape drawled out, his back was still turned to her, “I will see you at 7 for detention tonight. The next time I will take away house points.”

                Anna quickly found a place at the same table with Harry, Ron and Hermione. She couldn’t believe the nerve of Snape. He knew she had been sick the night before. After all, he was the one who transferred her to the hospital wing.

                Anna concentrated on her potions work, but she could feel eyes on her and she knew it must be Draco. She had not seen him yet since the whole ordeal the night before when she had passed out on him. Potions went along fine and she started talking with Hermione. Hermione asked her to meet with them and some other classmates on their next trip to Hogsmeade Village at the Hogshead Pub. They were going to discuss Umbridge and their Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Anna agreed and Hermione made her promise not to tell anyone.

                After class she finally had a chance to talk to Draco. She found him as she was walking down a hallway heading to her dorm. He was surrounded by Slytherins.

                “Draco,” she called out to him from a distance. She didn’t want to get to close to his group.

                Draco’s head came up and he turned to look at her, a sexy little smirk on his face.

                “Can I see you for a moment?” she asked primly.

                Anna didn’t know what he said to the guys with him, but it probably wasn’t good, because they were all laughing and snickering.

                When he finally came over Anna was suddenly very shy, “Look, I just wanted to say thanks for last night, I mean helping me and all,” she said, looking down a bit.

                “It was nothing,” he said cocky, “I mean I couldn’t very well let you be sick on me, could I? We still have this book to finish, so don’t think this gets you out of our little meetings.”

                Anna looked up at him, her gratitude turned to fury, “You are unbelievable. I was trying to thank you, but really I shouldn’t because if not for you I would have been safe in my dorm room in my own bed.”

                Draco just looked at her and laughed. He reached inside his robe and pulled out a book, handing it to her, “Here.”  It was her copy of Pride and Prejudice, she couldn’t believe he had picked it up and saved it for her. “I still expect to see you in the Astronomy tower on our usual night and time,” he laughed smartly at the look on her face and walked away.

                Anna stomped her foot in anger. She itched to snatch her wand from her robe and blast him. But she calmed herself and walked away. What was his problem? She was trying to be nice but he always blew it. Just when she had started to like him a little he had to go and ruin it.  And he still wanted to meet as usual or he was going to turn her into Umbridge.

                It was Friday night and Anna made her way up the stairs to the Astronomy tower. She was feeling loads better thanks to whatever potion Madame Pomfrey was giving her every evening after dinner. But she still couldn’t get anyone to tell her what was wrong with her and that was frustrating.

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