Terror and Love- Chapter 19

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Terror and Love

This chapter is dedicated to BeautifuL17KhaoS for all the lovely covers she has done for my stories!!! They are AWESOME!!! Please check out all her wonderful covers in her design book KhaoS Design Covers and Banners .....Beautiful!!! :)

Chapter 19

                Anna had started keeping tabs on Draco, or at least she tried to. But he could be very hard to keep up with. Anna had started trying to follow him in the evenings after dinner and there were times when he didn’t even come down to the great hall for dinner.

                Anna had also noticed the change in his appearance and health. He was paler than usual and the dark circles under his eyes were a good indication that he wasn’t sleeping well. He had quit the Slyhterin Quidditch team, which he had loved and she could tell he’d lost weight. There was definitely something going on with him.

                On the nights that she had been able to follow him from a distance he would wander the halls of the school and then suddenly he would be gone. Anna couldn’t find him anywhere.

                Anna had called of the flying lessons with Chase Middleby after Draco had threatened her because she really did not know what he might do to Chase next time. She was still friends with Chase, but that was all it would ever be. Right now she was concentrating on Draco Malfoy.

                One night, a couple of weeks since her last confrontation with Draco at the Black lake, Anna was following Draco again. Unfortunately it was the first night of the full moon cycle, and although she had taken her wolfsbane potion to help her sickness, she still wasn’t fully recovered, and the full moon affected her strangely. Anna followed him from a good distance, keeping to the shadows and away from any windows.

                Anna was about to turn a corner Draco had just went around when she found herself face to face with the two nastiest Slytherins at Hogwarts, Crabbe and Goyle.

                “Who do we have here?” Goyle smirked, his wand pointed at her.

                “If it isn’t the wolf girl,” Crabbe jeered and let out a howl, bursting out into a wicked laugh.

                “What are you doing out so late?” Goyle sneered, “Looking for victims?”

                “Very funny,” Anna smarted, “I might ask you the same thing. And I am not a werewolf you stupid git.”

                “Let’s just see about that,” Crabbe said, “There is a full moon tonight.” Anna started backing away from them, looking for a chance to grab her wand and run, “Get her,” Crabbe shouted to Goyle; Anna tried to run, but they quickly grabbed both her arms roughly. Anna didn’t get a chance to grab her wand.

                “Come on, let’s get her over to the window so she can get a better view,” they pulled Anna over to the huge window which was now fully opened. Anna fought like a wild cat but their brute strength was too much for her. Anna tried not to look out, knowing the terror that would grip her if she saw that moon. Both Crabbe and Goyle forced her to the window ledge, “Maybe if we toss her over, she will change before she hits the ground,” Goyle laughed loudly. They were a good four or five stories above the grounds of Hogwarts and Anna tried to push away from the window, keeping her eyes closed tightly, but when she felt her body trying to go over the edge she opened her eyes. One peek of the full moon was all it took. Anna screamed, she couldn’t help it as the terror seized her and she froze, her eyes on that moon.

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