Captured- Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


                Draco hated being home for Christmas and wished he had stayed on at Hogwarts. Since his father’s arrest and imprisonment in Azkaban, Draco’s home had been taken over by his Aunt Bellatrix and the dark lord. Death eaters were in and out of their huge stone mansion and it had basically become their headquarters. They were always pressuring Draco on when he was going to finish the task the dark lord had given him. His mother, Narcissa, was quiet and basically let them control the household, but he couldn’t blame her, there was nothing she could do about it. It was his father who had dragged them into this mess.

                Draco tried to find peace in his rooms, but that was nearly impossible, because whenever he was alone his thoughts were haunted by hazel green eyes and shiny midnight hair. He couldn’t get the images of Annabelle out of his mind. Especially the crushed look on her face when he had told her they were over and that he would one day marry another.

                After dinner that night his Aunt Bellatrix had a meeting with some of the death eaters and Draco had to be there. They were discussing future plans when suddenly the conversation changed.

                “It has come to my attention that my blood traitor niece, Nymphadora Tonks, and her werewolf husband, Remus Lupin, have a new member in their little family,” Bellatrix was saying, Draco listened intently, hoping she wasn’t about to reveal what he thought she was. “It seems Lupin has a daughter. He kept that fact hidden well for a long time, but now the news is out and she is attending Hogwarts.”

                Draco felt as though he’d just been given a blow to his midsection. Why on earth would they be interested in Anna?

                “Really,” Fenrir Greyback , the werewolf death eater growled, “so Lupin has a daughter. Her father was one of my tastiest victims that unfortunately escaped me before I could finish him off. Maybe I will just finish off his daughter, which would be great revenge on him, especially since he is doing his best to stop the werewolves from joining the dark lord.”

                “That sounds nice,” Bellatrix laughed madly. Draco gripped the arms of his chair tightly, trying to contain his emotions as Bellatrix continued, “Her name is Annabelle Blackburn. Her mother and stepfather were Meredith and Kendall Blackburn. As you will recall they were the two former members of the Order of the Phoenix that the dark lord destroyed a year ago. No one has figured out yet what has happened to them.”

                “I would love to take care of her for you,” Fenrir said, smacking his lips in a snarl, his wicked sharp teeth shining.

                “All in good time, Greyback,” Bellatrix hissed.

                Draco couldn’t believe what was happening. Annabelle was now in serious danger and he felt helpless to do anything about it. How could he warn her or try to keep her safe without putting her in greater danger.

                “Draco,” his aunt suddenly turned to him, “do you know the girl?” Draco tried his best to keep his face blank, even though he had his fist clenched beneath the table.

                “No, I do not,” he answered as if he were bored.

                “Well, maybe you could find out more about this Annabelle Blackburn. She would be a great pawn to use against my niece and that werewolf husband of hers,” Bellatrix demanded.

                “Aunt,” Draco sneered, “I have enough to do without adding this to it.

                “Watch your mouth,” Bellatrix said hatefully, “you have yet to complete the task you were given and you are on thin ice with the dark lord. Just see what you can learn about her.”

                Draco said nothing else and turned away from Bellatrix before she saw the hatred he had for her in his eyes. He knew she was mad, but she was truly crazy if she thought he was going to help her or that rabid dog, Greyback, harm Anna.

                After their little meeting, Draco fled to his room, locking the door behind him. He flopped down on his bed. His mind bringing forth images of Anna. He had to find a way to protect her and keep her safe, but whatever he did, his aunt Bellatrix must never know that he and Anna had been in any kind of relationship.

                The next day was Christmas. That night was the start of the full moon cycle, so both Anna and Lupin had taken their wolfsbane potion that morning. Lupin took it to keep from transforming and Anna took it to keep the awful sickness away that always hit her every full moon cycle.

                After a huge dinner, Lupin and Tonks had decided to go visit Tonks parents and felt Anna would be safer staying at the Weasleys’. Anna walked with them out the door as they said goodbye to the Weasleys’. Anna had just hugged her father and was saying goodbye to Tonks when Tonks looked over at him, “What is it Remus?” she asked worried. Lupin was staring intently out through the field surrounding the Weasleys’ home.

                Everything happened suddenly. They were under attack from death eaters. Harry took off through the fields after Bellatrix and then Ginny followed, as a ring of fire surrounded the house.

                Lupin, Tonks and Mr. Weasley finally got the fire under control enough to break through and follow them. Anna looked for her wand realizing she’d left it in Ginny’s room. She would have ran in after it, but Mrs. Weasley stopped her, “Stay here with us dear,” she said frantically, as she, Anna, Ron, Fred and George stood helplessly outside the house, hearing the clash of spells and curses coming from the field beyond the house.

                Then suddenly it stopped and the Weasleys’ house began to explode. Anna and the rest ran out away from the house to escape the flames and explosion, when suddenly Anna was grabbed roughly and she felt her body flying. Everything became a blur and an awful feeling of nausea came over her. She could faintly hear someone screaming her name and then it was gone.

                Draco was sitting in their family’s study with his mother when his aunt Bellatrix and Fenrir Greyback aparated into the room. But they were not alone. Draco couldn’t stop the sick feeling that came over him as Fenrir deposited his victim on the floor. He could see the dark shiny hair, and he knew the body well. It was Anna. He jumped up, but then he felt his mother grab his arm and gave him a look which warned him to be careful.

                “Sister, you should have seen it. I almost had Harry Potter. But at least we were able to put those disgusting Weasleys’ in their place and even got a bonus,” Bellatrix cackled, “we captured Remus Lupin’s daughter,” she danced around madly.

                Greyback stood over Anna, practically drooling, his sharp teeth shining, “Let me have her,” he growled.

                “Not yet,” Bellatrix shrieked, “We may have a use for her. She is a pawn we can use against them. Once were done with her you can do whatever you like.”

                Draco watched as Anna tried to get up on her hands and knees. And then she started retching, getting sick. It was all he could do not to run to her, but he knew better than to let on that they knew each other.

                “Wormtail!” Bellatrix screamed the name and the small rat like wizard appeared in the doorway, “take this piece of mudblood filth to the dungeon,” and wormtail quickly did so, grabbing Anna roughly by the arm. He started dragging her from the room.

                Draco’s mind was already turning on how he was going to get her out of his house. Anna had not seen him, so at least she hadn’t given away the fact that she knew him. No matter what he was going to get her out of this.  

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