Christmas at the Weasleys'- Chapter 21

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Christmas at the Weasleys’


Chapter 21


                Christmas break came and Anna, along with Harry, went to stay at the Weasley familys’ home. They were all great and made Anna feel right at home. Anna was sharing Ginny Weasley’s room. Fred and George were there too, having closed their joke shop on Diagon Alley to spend Christmas at home. They both could tell something was wrong with Anna and tried their best to cheer her up, but it wasn’t enough to break the melancholy mood she always found herself in.

                Finally her father, Remus Lupin, arrived the night before Christmas and that was when Anna finally found her tears. She ran to her father, surprising him with the hug she gave him. Anna couldn’t seem to stop the tears that had been building up in her since Draco had dumped her. Lupin hugged her tightly, feeling her silent sobs and the damp tears through his shirt. He gently took Anna’s chin in his hand, making her look up at him, “Is everything okay, Anna?” he asked concerned, his eyes looking into hers for some sign of what was wrong. He saw the tears rolling down her cheeks.

                “Yes, I just missed you and I’ve been worried about you and Tonks,” Anna replied, which was true. But how could she tell her father how much she was hurting from having her heart crushed and used by Draco Malfoy. She couldn’t. Anna could not tell her father how bad she needed this constant numbing ache to go away.

                “I’ve missed you too,” Lupin hugged her to him, and for Anna it was as if he knew she was troubled by something, he said near her ear so only she could hear him, “Everything will be alright. You will always have me and I will be here for you no matter what,” and Anna could finally feel some emotions, as love for her father filled her heart.

                Not long after Lupin arrived there was another knock on the door. It was Tonks. Anna ran to her, giving her a hug and then noticed she wasn’t alone. Anna could not believe it was him, the same handsome auror who had caught her out past curfew twice at Hogwarts, and by the look on his face he seemed just as surprised to see her there.

                “Anna, I would like you to meet someone. This is my friend, Rafe Montgomery. He works with me for the Ministry. In fact he has been assigned to Hogwarts, so you may have seen him around. Rafe, this is Remus’s daughter, Annabelle Blackburn,” Tonks finished.

                Anna looked at him closely, wondering if he was going to give her away, but to her surprise he didn’t, “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Blackburn,” he said, looking at her with those deep green eyes.

                Anna felt relief, but she was still uncomfortable, “Please, call me Anna,” she responded, trying not to look right at him. What she wanted to do was run from the room.

                Tonks began introducing Rafe to the Weasley’s and Harry. Rafe already knew her father Lupin. Anna went into the family room and sat in a chair in the corner as everyone else talked, but she noticed Rafe’s eyes found hers several times.

                They all had a delicious Christmas Eve dinner and afterwards Anna asked her father if she could go outside for some fresh air and he warned her to stay right around the Weasley’s home. Anna found a secluded place to sit at the back of the house. Bright stars lit the dark sky and it was getting cold out, but it helped clear Anna’s mind and thoughts. Tomorrow would be the start of the full moon cycle and Anna knew she would need to take her wolfsbane potion to keep her sickness away that always hit her during the cycle.

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