A Very Harsh Reunion- Chapter 45

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A Very Harsh Reunion

Chapter 45

                February came and went and it was the end of March when Anna received a message from Neville saying that it was urgent that she meet him that night at around 8:00p.m by the Black lake. She thought it was strange, but she didn’t question it. Anna tightened her coat around her, her dark robes flapping in the wind as she made her way down there. Anna had told Draco that she had classwork to work on that night so he wouldn’t be suspicious to why she wasn’t meeting him as usual.

                When she got down there she didn’t see Neville anywhere in sight. Anna waited a few more minutes and was about to head back up to the school when suddenly someone appeared from behind the trees. It was Rafe.

                “Hello, Annabelle,” he said softly, looking her over intently.

                “Rafe,” Anna cried out in delight, she ran over to him, throwing her arms around him in a huge hug, “What are you doing here and how did you get in?”

                “That is a secret,” he said, looking at her deeply with those wide green eyes, “I might ask you the same thing. Do you know how worried I was about you the night we rescued that family in the woods and you never showed up at our meeting place,” he grabbed her face gently, “I was terrified. I just knew you had been captured. And then I find out a few days later that you had returned to Hogwarts. Why would you do that?”

                Anna shrugged, looking away from Rafe. At first she had been glad to see him, it had been so long, but now as the realization of what she’d become hit her, she wanted Rafe as far away as possible for his own safety, “I don’t know. I just changed my mind,” Anna walked a little away from him.

                "Anna, you are not making any sense,” he grabbed her arm gently and made her turn to him. He surprised her when he put his hand to her rounded stomach, “You are telling me that you decided to return to Hogwarts knowing you are pregnant and that the school is now controlled by the dark lord and the death eaters. Do you know how crazy that is?” he looked at her expectantly, waiting on an answer, but Anna just looked at him, “Do you know what you are putting Tonks and Lupin through? They are terrified that something is going to happen to you,” Rafe looked at her with concern, “Now tell me the real reason you are here at Hogwarts,” he demanded.

                “Rafe, you wouldn’t understand. For your own safety and for Tonks and my father, I cannot return home. That’s all you need to know,” Anna started to walk away from Rafe, “You need to go before someone finds you here.”

                “Not so fast,” he caught up to her, “I’m not leaving until you tell me why,” he insisted.

                “Please don’t ask me about it. You are not going to like it and it will only cause everyone pain,” Anna pleaded, her eyes on his desperately.

                “I am not leaving without the truth,” Rafe said firmly.

                “Very well,” Anna sighed heavily as if a great weight were pressing down on her.

                Rafe watched as Anna removed her jacket and started pulling up the left sleeve of her robe and sweater she wore beneath it. And there it was, the dark mark, shining black against her pale skin, visible beneath the stars and half-moon.

                Rafe grabbed her arm and started rubbing on the mark, “Is this some kind of joke, Anna?” Rafe looked up at Anna closely.

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