Returning to Hogwarts- Chapter 43

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Returning to Hogwarts

Chapter 43


                The next morning Anna woke up in Draco’s arms and she didn’t want to leave them. She lay there just looking at his beautiful sleeping face. It made her want to cry because all she could think was how much she wanted to be able to do this every day of their life; waking up in his arms. How much she wished things were different and they could be free to live however they wanted to withoutthe dark lord’s influence on them. Anna lifted her left arm which was lying on Draco’s hip and looked at the nasty dark mark that was now there. The pain when it was put there by the dark lord was gone, but not the pain of what it represented. She had no choice, it was either take the mark or Draco would die as well as herself and the bay. She thought of her father, Lupin, and Tonks, Rafe and the rest of her friends in the Order. Anna could no longer see them or be a part of their lives. She may have the dark mark, but she would choose death rather than hurt any one of them or others.

                Anna sat up in Draco’s bed and looked at the mark that was also visible on Draco’s arm, using her finger to lightly run it over the mark. Anna remembered the night he had revealed it to her, the same night he had told her he loved her and why he had been avoiding her. That night seemed so long ago and so much had changed since then. Anna had loved him despite the terrible choice he’d had to make when he became a death eater and she loved him now and believed that nothing would change that. Anna’s touch on his arm woke Draco and Anna watched as his sleepy eyes fluttered open and he smiled up at her, “Good morning, sweetheart,” he said sleepily, stretching his long pale body, “Did you sleep well?”

                “Oh yes, thanks to you. You wore me out last night,” Anna said, blushing slightly, as she remembered all that happened the night before.

                Suddenly there was a knock on Draco’s bedroom door and Anna jumped up grabbing the robe Draco had given her the night before; quickly pulling it on, tying it, she ran to the bathroom closing the door behind her.

                Draco got up, slipping on his P.J. pants and using his wand, he lifted the spells and charms and unlocked his door, “Come in,” he said loudly and the door opened. It was his mother, “Good morning, mother.”

                “Good morning Draco,” she looked around the room, “I assume Anna is here with you?”

                “She is in the bathroom,” Draco admitted freely.

                “How is she doing?” Narcissa asked with concern.

                “As good as can be expected considering all that she’s been through.”

                “Here is Anna’s wand, please give it back to her and we need both of you to come downstairs to the study. The dark lord is gone, but he left instructions for you both with your Aunt Bellatrix.”

                “We will be down in a moment.”

                After Narcissa left, Draco went to his closet and dressed, putting on his usual black suit and clothing. He also got out the clothes that he had gotten Anna the last time she had been there captured at Malfoy Manor. He had saved them, for what reason he didn’t know, he just couldn’t toss them out.

                Draco knocked on the bathroom door, giving Anna her wand and the clothing so she could get dressed and he let her know they had to go down to the study.

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