In His Arms Again- Chapter 35

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In His Arms Again

Chapter 35

                Bill and Fleur’s wedding was lovely and afterward they had a lovely reception, complete with dancing and tables set up with food and all sorts of beverages. Guests danced and sat around the tables enjoying each other’s company. But Anna still had not had the chance to talk to her father, Lupin.

                While everyone was having fun and enjoying themselves, despite the dark cloud hanging over their world, disaster struck. Kingsley sent his patronus announcing the death of the new minister of magic and that the death eaters were coming. Chaos erupted, some wizards fleeing and apparating, most others quickly pulled out their wands just as the death eaters dark flashing figures started apparating into the huge outdoor tent. Spells were flying all around and duels were taking place in the tight quarters of the tent. The Order and others who were against the dark lord were badly outnumbered.

                Anna sent a quick stunning spell , striking a death eater in the chest, sending him flying, he had been about to curse an elderly witch who looked a lot like Ron’s great aunt. There were too many of them to fight. Anna knew where her safe house was if something happened and she had been about to disapparate when she saw her father still fighting and looking around. Lupin was probably looking for her and Tonks. Anna was going to try to make it over to him, ducking curses and shooting spells along the way.  She struck one death eater who was coming at her on her side with a body binding curse, sending him to the floor.

                Anna didn’t get very far when she felt strong arms wrap around her from behind tightly and then the feeling of her body being sucked through a straw as she was being apparated. When she finally felt her feet hit solid ground, she went to her knees with nausea. She could normally apparate with no problems, but she had not been prepared for it. Her first thought was that Rafe had grabbed her, trying to get her out of there. But as she looked at the feet of her rescuer she realized she was in deep trouble. Black dress shoes, black pants and robe. Anna brought her wand up quickly, but not quick enough. The spell hit her fingers sending her wand flying away from her. Anna jumped up, without looking and started to run, but was grabbed up, her feet dangling. She tried to struggle free.

                “Dammit, Anna, stop fighting me,” Anna froze, still being held tightly her feet hanging above the ground.

                “Draco,” she gasped out in disbelief.  He still held her tight and she could feel him trembling with emotion, the back of her body pressed up against the front of him. she could feel his face in her long dark hair, breathing in as if he were  taking in the scent of a flower.

                Draco couldn’t believe he had Anna in his arms again. After the terrible things that happened at Hogwarts and his part in it, he never dreamed he would see her again. And then the dark lord had sent the death eaters to a wedding to go after members of the Order and he’d had to go, never dreaming Anna would be there. But there she was, fighting death eaters in a long sleeveless gown of silver with black and gray flower print; her long dark hair was hanging in loose curls around her shoulders and pulled back at the very front elegantly. Draco had watched her, hoping she would apparate and leave the tent, escaping. But no, she was stubbornly staying in that tent, blasting a couple of death eaters but nearly getting hit by them. Draco had seen enough and took matters into his own hands, apparating them both to a secret place only he and his father and mother knew about. No one would follow them here.

                Anna turned in his arms, facing him, “So what are you going to do with me? Are you going to turn me over to the dark lord?” she asked harshly, anger in her voice.

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