Truths and Forgiveness- Chapter 14

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Truths and Forgiveness


Chapter 14

*Summer before the 6th year*

                Anna had been with Lupin and Tonks for a couple of weeks now. Their first meeting had been tense because Anna was determined to not like either one of them. With Tonks that had only lasted a few minutes. She couldn’t help liking Tonks; she was wonderful and fun. With Lupin it was a different story. Anna went out of her way to make things hard for him. Anna knew if he wasn’t her real father and had not left her and her mother she could probably like him as well, but he had, and Anna wasn’t willing to forgive him. Lupin had tried to tell her that it had been for her on good, but he didn’t explain to her why, and she wasn’t buying it. He said he had done what he thought was best to protect her and her mother but Anna believed it all was a lie. As far as she was concerned, Kendall Blackburn would always be her true father. He was the only one she’d known.

                One afternoon, while Anna was sitting in the shade of the small garden behind the cottage they lived in near Tonks parents, a sleek black owl swooped down beside her on the bench she was sitting on. It let out a tiny squeal, and then dropped the scroll it was holding and quickly flew away. Anna opened the scroll slowly, ‘Please meet me. I need to see you. I will owl a place and time soon. Draco,’ it read. Tears of relief flooded Anna’s eyes. She had almost given up hope of ever contacting him this summer. Anna ran in and put the scroll under her mattress. She was not letting anyone know about this.

                Later that night Lupin shocked her at dinner.

                “You received an owl today, Anna?” Lupin stated the question as fact.

                Anna looked up at him in surprise. He looked tired, more so than usual, but he had always been kind to her no matter all the terrible things she said or how mean she was.

                “Maybe,” she answered shortly.

                “Why would someone  contact you from the Malfoys’?” he asked, looking her in the eyes. Anna’s eyes were like saucers. How did he know this? “Has Draco Malfoy been contacting you?”

                Anna could feel the anger rolling through her, “So what if he is? It’s not really your concern who is contacting me,” she huffed out loudly.

                “Well, that’s where you are wrong, young lady,” Lupin stood. Anna had never seen him like this and it was a little frightening, “Everything you do is my concern.”

                Anna stood facing him, she didn’t care. Tonks just sat back nervously, but didn’t intervene, “Really father,” Anna sneered, she would have made Draco proud, “and where was your concern for me all these years I’ve been growing up.”

                “There will be no argument,” Lupin said sternly, a fire in his eyes, “you will have nothing to do with Draco Malfoy.”

                “You’re not my father,” Anna hissed out lowly, “Kendall Blackburn is the only father I knew and he is dead. You let another man raise your daughter and he’s the only father I know.”

                Lupin’s eyes fell and Anna thought she saw hurt there, “Like I said, you will have no contact with Malfoy,” he said tiredly, throwing his napkin down in his plate he left the cottage.

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