I Didn't Want to Hurt You- Chapter 12

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I Didn’t Want to Hurt You


Chapter 12

                Christmas break was over. The Weasley family had joined Sirius, Harry and Anna at #12 Grimmauld Place and even though it was nice to spend time with a large family at Christmas, Anna’s spirits were still down because she missed her mum and dad. Anna had never spent a holiday without them and all the things she had discovered about her mum had been a shock. Anna still felt as though she had never truly known her own mother.

                Things rocked on at Hogwarts and Anna still avoided Draco. She had become an expert at it; ducking into other corridors and classrooms and loosing herself in huge crowds of students so he couldn’t find her. In class she would sit as far away from him as possible, but she always felt his presence. And she knew his eyes were on her because she could feel it. But Anna just couldn’t risk the D.A. by having anything to do with Draco Malfoy.

                And then it happened one night. The D.A. was working on their Patronus charm. Anna had perfected hers. It was a beautiful sleek female wolf that came soaring from the end of her wand. But suddenly the walls begin to crack and then a blast that nearly blew away Harry and Nigel. Everyone else stood in shock as Umbridge, Filch and the rest of her Inquisitorial Squad busted through. They were found out.

                Anna couldn’t look at Draco as she and a few others were marched out at wand point by one of his Slytherin friends. The Ministry of Magic immediately accused Dumbledore of raising an army against them and tried to arrest him but he escaped. Umbridge was made Headmistress of Hogwarts. Things at Hogwarts took a major turn for the worst.

                All the D.A. members had been punished by Umbridge several days later. They were all made to write lines and the pain to the back of all their hands was severe, but no one complained. They all felt like it was worth it. It was late when they all left the great hall to head back to their dorms.

                Anna was the last one in her group of Ravenclaws as they headed up the stairs to their dorm in the upper floors of Hogwarts. She saw something fluttering and turned to look. It was a colorful paper butterfly, flying in spirals and then it headed down a hallway near her dorm. Curiosity got the better of her and Anna followed it. It flew into an open doorway to an unused classroom and landed on a table. Suddenly the door closed and Anna was plunged into darkness. Anna’s heart thudded and she quickly lit the end of her wand. With Dumbledore gone from Hogwarts she didn’t feel safe, especially with the disappearance of her parents. She looked around, finding some candles she lit them. And leaning up against the huge teachers desk was Draco.

                Anna immediately headed for the door. She tried the door handle but it was locked tight. “Just because Umbridge has taken over the school doesn’t give you the right to do whatever you want, Draco,” Anna hissed, “unlock the damn door,” and Anna started pulling and twisting the handle. She reached in her robe, looking for her wand.

                “I knew you were a part of Potters group of idiots,” Draco smirked.

                “Really?!” Anna turned to face him. She was angry, her hazel green eyes shooting sparks. Draco had started walking slowly down the aisle towards her. Anna brought her wand up but wasn’t quick enough, he shot a disarming spell, sending it flying towards him, catching it quickly and tucking it into his robe. This really made her furious and she went at him grabbing the front of his robe with both fists, pulling him down to look at her, “Well if you did, why didn’t you turn me in to Umbridge?!”

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