Something Hidden- Chapter 5

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Something Hidden

Chapter 5

                Anna couldn’t do it. She would never burn her beautiful books. She had worked too hard to get them and it had taken a long time to collect all the volumes she had. Muggle books were much more interesting than wizard books.

                It was Tuesday, around 6:30 and Anna made her way slowly up the stairs to the Astronomy tower. She wasn’t feeling well at all tonight. Actually she hadn’t felt well most of the day, but it was getting worse. It didn’t make things any better since she’d had no sleep due to her crazy dreams again involving a full moon, the misty fog and her mother crying out a name she did not know. Anna thought she might be going mad.

                She finally made it to the top. Every joint and muscle in her body seemed to be aching.  Anna slowly made it over to the sofa and flopped down, lighting the candles behind her. It wasn’t long until she heard footsteps coming up the stairs and knew it must be Draco.

                Draco hurried up the stairs. He couldn’t wait to meet with Annabelle. He had really enjoyed her reading to him last Friday. Draco could not believe he had liked that muggle book and could only imagine what his father would say if he knew about it. He was looking forward to what she had to read tonight. Just listening to her voice was worth it. Draco had made a point to leave her alone all weekend and not bother in any of their classes so he wouldn’t make her angry. He felt that if Anna ever got truly angry she could be stubborn and would probably call his bluff on turning her in to Umbridge.  Draco ran the last few steps and there she was, sort of lying down on the sofa, the candles already lit, and her book lying on her lap.

                Draco walked over. Anna didn’t look well and looked to be napping. Her normally glowing skin was very pale and she had dark circles under her eyes. She sat up when he walked up.

                “So did you find us a good book?” he asked her as he sat down near her.

                “I think so,” she sighed tiredly, “this one is called Pride and Prejudice. It is a muggle book written by a woman, Jane Austin, in a time when literature written by women simply wasn’t done.” She paused, “Would you like for me to begin?”

                Draco nodded as he watched her closely. Anna began to read. Something wasn’t right with her. He could tell by looking at her and the sound of her voice. They barely got past the first page when Draco stopped her, putting his hand in the book and pushing it down into her lap.

                “Is something wrong?” Anna looked up at him; her normally fiery hazel-green eyes were dull and lifeless.

                “No, that’s not it,” he said moving closer to her; “you’re not feeling well, are you?”

                Anna looked a little embarrassed.

                “Are you sick Anna?” Draco asked directly; no sneer or attitude in his question.

                “To be honest, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m so tired and every part of my body seems to ache. I used to do this sometime when I was very young and my mom would give me something for it, but it hasn’t happened in a long time.”

                “Come on,” he stood up, holding his hand out to her. As much as he enjoyed their time together, he was more worried about her, “we need to get you to the hospital wing. I’m sure Madame Pomfrey can give you something to help.”

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