I'm Here for You- Chapter 10

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I’m Here for You


Chapter 10

                Anna had made every D.A. meeting so far and was doing her best to avoid Draco. She even asked Harry if it was alright that she stowed all her muggle books, music and other items in the Room of Requirement in case Draco did turn her in to Umbridge to search her dorm. But she didn’t have to worry because so far he hadn’t done it. Which made her feel even worse about the way she’d broke things off with him. Anna was aware that Draco was always watching her so she was careful about who she talked to incase he still suspected her of being in the D.A..

                It was getting close to Christmas and Anna had not received any owl’s from her parents over the last few weeks. Normally her mother wrote to her at least once or twice a week, sometimes more, but she had not heard a thing from them and she was getting concerned. It was during her potions class that Snape gave her the message to see Professor Dumbledore after her last class.

                Later, Anna made her way up to the headmaster’s office, going up a long winding staircase and then knocked on his door.

                “Come in,” came Dumbledore’s voice.

                His office was amazing, filled with all kinds of magical stuff. Anna looked around in awe. There were portraits of all the former Hogwarts headmasters, most of them moving or sleeping. And then Anna noticed the majestic red bird sitting on a perch behind the professor’s desk.

                “I’m sorry sir, but is that a phoenix?” Anna asked amazed.

                “Yes, it is. This is my dear friend Fawkes,” Dumbledore said proudly, “We go way back.”

                “Awesome,” Anna whispered, hardly able to take her eyes off it, “Sorry sir,” she looked at Dumbledore, “You wished to see me?”

                “Yes, there is a very difficult thing I need to tell you,” he paused, as if searching for words. It was then that Anna noticed the very tall, dark skinned man in fancy blue striped robes, and odd looking cap that matched sitting snuggly on his bald head, “Please, won’t you sit down Miss Blackburn?”

                This couldn’t be good if he was asking her to sit down. Anna wondered if she was in trouble, but couldn’t think of a single thing she’d done wrong.

                “It’s about your parents,” Dumbledore spoke softly.

                “I haven’t heard from them in a few weeks now and I am getting worried,” Anna was beginning to get a bad feeling as she said this.

                “Yes. I am aware of that. I am sorry to have to tell you this,” Dumbledore said sympathetically, “but they are missing.”

                “Missing?” Anna knew she must sound like an idiot, but she was trying to comprehend what he was saying, “That’s impossible, sir. My parents never go anywhere. Trust me, I know,” Anna laughed slightly, but there was no humor in it. She was hoping this was a joke, but she could feel hysteria building.

                “Annabelle, this is Mr. Kingsley. He is an auror with the Ministry of Magic,” Dumbledore finally introduced the wizard.

                “My dear,” the wizard began kindly, very nice despite his huge size and deep voice, “what Professor Dumbledore is trying to say is that we do not know where your parents are or what has happened to them. They went missing from your home, they didn’t go anywhere else.”

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