Choosing Draco Malfoy- Chapter 32

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Choosing Draco Malfoy

Chapter 32

                Anna woke around noon, took a quick shower, dressed and ran down to the great hall and quickly ate lunch. She was meeting Draco down by the black lake and she did not want to be late in case he thought she might not show up. Anna looked over towards the Slytherin table but he wasn’t there.

                It was cold out and the middle of February, but luckily Anna had thought to bring her jacket. In fact Anna had just celebrated her 17th birthday and could now use magic and apparition outside of Hogwarts. Anna saw Draco waiting for her down near the trees that bordered the Forbidden Forest. When she got down there Draco opened his arms to her and Anna went into them, snuggling up tight against him, her head resting on his warm chest, “I missed you,” he said against her hair softly. Oh how she loved this boy. If only others could see the Draco she knew.

                “It’s only been a few hours since you saw me,” Anna laughed, enjoying the feel of his warm body against hers.

                “Yeah, but that is still too long,” he kissed her softly. His lips were healed and his eye was barely discolored from his fight with Rafe the night before.

                “Does it still hurt?” he asked, his finger running lightly along her nose where it had been broken last night.

                “No, it’s perfectly fine. You did a really good job mending it,” she smiled up at him, “Maybe you should think about becoming a healer when you’re finished here at Hogwarts. I know you have the grades and the ability to do it.”

                “That’s a good one,” he laughed harshly without any humor, “A death eater healer, that’s a little bit of a contradiction, don’t you think?”

                “Well, you did fix my nose and took care of me when I was sick in your bedroom over the holidays,” Anna reminded him.

                “Well, that was because it was you,” he said softly, looking at her deeply, “I’m not a bleeding heart for anyone but you, Anna.”

                “You know I never did thank you properly for rescuing me from Bellatrix and Greyback. And thank you for telling my father I was safe, you didn’t have to do that,” she leaned up and kissed him deeply, her hands going around his neck and into his silky platinum hair.

                “Did you tell Lupin about us?” Draco asked when the kiss broke.

                “No. Not at first. When we met secretly over the summer that time last year he knew it was you I was meeting. I don’t know how but he figured it out and must have seen us flying on your broom that night too. After he confronted me I told him how I felt about you.”

                “Yeah, he told me in Diagon Alley when he asked for my help that you cared for me. Well. I am sure he took it well, his daughter in love with a Malfoy,” Draco said sarcastically.

                “Not too bad. He did warn me about your family’s connection to the dark lord and that it was probably best if I stayed away from you,” Anna admitted.

                “And he was right. You really would be better off loving someone else,” Draco said sadly.

                “Don’t say that,” Anna said firmly, looking up at him, “I will choose who I want to be with, not my father. I don’t like what you’ve become Draco, but it’s not going to make me stop loving you.”

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