Finding Anna- Chapter 50

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Finding Anna

Chapter 50

                Draco returned to Malfoy Manor in a terrible state of depression. He hated going back there, but it was the only home he had right now. It was hard walking through the place because just about every inch of it was crawling with awful memories. Except for his bedroom, the only place he had ever found any peace. But when he was in his room he was haunted by sweet memories of the dark haired, beautiful girl he loved and could not find. Sometimes those memories were as cruel as all the others.

                He went into the family room to find his mother sitting there alone by the fireplace. His beautiful, loving mother who understood what he was going through. Had it not been for Narcissa Malfoy claiming that Harry was dead in the forest, when he truly was not, then Voldemort would be ruling the wizard world and Harry would be dead.

                It had been a few months since the battle for Hogwarts and he was no closer to finding Anna. The only thing he did find out was that she had been taken to Saint Mungoes Hospital the night of the battle and she'd had his baby early. The healers told him it had been a baby girl and she’d named her Meredith Nymphadora Malfoy. But they had no clue where she went when she left the hospital.

                When Draco had told his mother the news she had cried over the news that she was now a grandmother, but she could not even see her granddaughter. It didn’t help matters that Draco’s father was pressuring him to become engaged to a pureblood girl and they had argued over it.

                “Well the half-blood obviously doesn’t want you, Draco, or she would have contacted you by now,” Lucius had sneered, talking about Annabelle.

                “I don’t believe that,” Draco hissed out, but deep in his heart he was feeling the same thing. Why had Anna not contacted him to at least let him know about his daughter? He realized she was hurting over everything that had happened, especially losing Lupin and Tonks, but he wanted so bad to be there for her.

                “Draco and Anna belong together,” Narcissa spoke up to Lucius, her voice filled with authority, “and I want to see my granddaughter. I deserve that much.”

                Lucius had looked at Narcissa, his eyes filled with love. He had changed since his ordeal with the dark lord and now all he really cared about was keeping his family, “You are right, love. You deserve to hold your grandchild,” he knew how much Narcissa had wanted more children and now looked forward to grandchildren. So Lucius had given up on the idea of Draco being married to a pureblood. He just wanted his family to be safe and happy.

                “Did you find out anything?” Narcissa asked Draco, hopefully.

                “Nothing mother,” Draco said warily, “I have searched in every wizarding village I possibly can but there is nothing, no records or anything. None of her former classmates have heard from her or seen her since Hogwarts. It’s as if she has dropped off the face of the earth.”

                Narcissa did not know what to tell Draco. Anna had to be somewhere. Suddenly Narcissa jumped up, her face lighting up, “I can’t believe I didn’t think of this already,” she said brightly, her eyes glowing.

                “What is it?” Draco asked, sitting up

                “Draco, call for the car now,” Narcissa went to get her coat, “It is time I paid my sister, Andromeda a visit.”

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