Jealousy- Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

                After her performance with the choir on Dumbledore’s birthday, things changed for Anna. Suddenly, she was the new craze at Hogwarts and no one cared anymore that her father was a werewolf. Well, no one but the Slytherins’, who still gave her a hard time.

                It was during choir practice Anna noticed a Hufflepuff named Chase Middleby watching her a lot. Anna felt a little uncomfortable. He was really cute, with dark brown hair that had a few light streaks in it and bright blue eyes. But Anna didn’t feel the same thrill looking at him; she was always haunted by platinum blond hair and ice blue eyes.

                After practice one night Anna was headed out to go to her dorm when someone called her name.

                “Annabelle, wait up,” it was Chase. When he finally caught up with her he asked, “Can I walk you back to your dorm?”

                Anna was surprised, “I am sure I will have no problems finding my way back to my dorm,” she said a little sarcastically

                Chase laughed, “I know, but still, do you mind if I walk with you.”

                “Sure, whatever. It’s a free country,” she didn’t need this right now. She was trying her best to get over Draco Malfoy.

                “I’m jealous you know,” Chase looked over at her as they walked along, a smile on his lips.

                “Jealous of what,” she looked over at his smiling face.

                “Of you, of course. I have been in the choir since my first year here at Hogwarts and have tried for a solo with Prof. Flitwick forever. Then you come along with absolutely no experience and your perfect,” he said without malice.

                “I’m sorry,” Anna said sympathetically, “and I am far from perfect.”

                “Yes, you are,” he said, his blue eyes smiling, “but don’t worry, I don’t hold it against you. I just enjoy being in choir with you.”

                Anna blushed a little. He really was cute and charming. All the things she didn’t want right now as she tried to mend the hurt that Malfoy had left on her heart. Chase would probably be a better choice for her than Draco. He was cute, friendly and good at everything. He not only in the choir, but was also the Hufflepuff goal keeper and was in several other clubs.

                “I have something to ask you,” Chase began awkwardly, as if not sure how to put it, “Would you like to come with me on our trip to Hogsmeade this weekend? As friends of course,” he quickly added.

                Anna couldn’t believe he was asking, “I don’t know,” she hesitated, “I’m sure I have homework or something to do this weekend.”

                “Oh, come on Annabelle,” he pleaded, “It will be fun. You need to get out more,” he said seriously. I’ve seen you moping around this place the past couple of months. It will do you some good to have a little fun.”

                Chase was right about that. If it wasn’t school work or choir practice then she didn’t do it. Maybe he was right. Maybe the only way she could get over Draco Malfoy was to try and spread her wings a bit. It had been so long since she’d had a good time.

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