It is Over- Chapter 9

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It is Over


Chapter 9

                Things were changing at Hogwarts in a short amount of time in their 5th year. Umbridge, acting as High Inquisitor and the Ministry of Magic’s stooge, made yet another decree banning all student activities, organizations and clubs not approved by her. Harry and the others suspected that she had found out about their plans to form the D.A., but that wasn’t stopping them. As soon as they found a place to meet they would start their practices.

                In the meantime, Annabelle continued to meet Draco on Tuesdays and Fridays in the Astronomy tower and the two of them were getting closer. They would just sit on the sofa and talk about all kinds of things, but they both avoided any thing that had to do with the subject of purebloods, half-bloods and muggles when it pertained to magic. Both of them knew how the other felt about it so there was no use in arguing over it. Sometimes Anna would read books she brought and she thought Draco was enjoying their time together.

                And then it happened. Harry found a place for the D.A. to meet. It was the Room of Requirement. They were all surprised no one had thought of it already, especially Hermione, who was well read on the History of Hogwarts. They had their first meeting on a Thursday and everything went well. Everyone worked on their disarming spell, Expelliarmus. Harry was impressed; Anna didn’t need much tutoring because she was pretty much an expert at it. Her mother had taught her defensive spells very well. Harry again stressed to everyone that they must be careful and keep their meetings secret.

                The very next morning Umbridge announced that anyone caught in an illegal organization or club would face severe punishment and possible expulsion. She also had begun her own organization, the Inquisitorial Squad. She was asking students to join to help find out about any illegal activities among the students, especially illegal clubs. Anyone who joined received a special badge and extra credit in her classes.

                During breakfast Anna started noticing a lot of Slytherin wearing Umbridge’s badge marking them as an informer. Please, she thought, don’t let Draco be one of her thugs. Anna had started feeling sick that morning, just like she had a month ago, when she’d been taken to the Hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey had warned her that if she felt sick like that again she needed to come to her office as soon as possible to take more of the potion that had helped her last time.

                Anna went to her first class which was Umbridge. She already felt bad but having to look at that woman made her feel like vomiting. Anna scanned the room, trying not to make it obvious, looking for Draco. Her heart sank, because there, on one of the back rows, sat Draco next to Pansy Parkinson. Both of them were sporting Umbridge’s badge. Anna quickly turned back around but not before Draco had seen her. Why, Anna thought? Why would Draco want to join that disgusting woman’s group of rats? Well, she knew the answer to that, to please his Slytherin friends and his pureblood father. Maybe she’d miss judged that he couldn’t be so bad, that there was something good about him that he kept hidden from most others. ‘Maybe you’re a fool Annabelle Blackburn to start falling for a snake from Slytherin. He is probably only using you to see how far he can get with you.’ Anna’s thoughts were making her already racing heart speed up, and she could feel herself trembling slightly, breaking out in to a cold sweat.

                Umbridge’s class was finally over and Anna raced out the door and down the hallway and stairs to Snape’s potions. She made it after bumping into several people, mumbling apologies as she went. When she burst through Snape’s door she found him at his desk. He looked up bored, but then his face became alarmed.

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