Joining the Order and Never Going Back- Chapter 34

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Joining the Order and Never Going Back

Chapter 34

                Dumbledore’s funeral was held and he was buried on a small island in the Black lake on the grounds of Hogwarts. After the sad but beautiful service, Professor Flitwick asked Anna and Rafe to perform a song before it was over. It was a lovely, yet sad and haunting piece and there were a lot of tears when it was over.

                Most of the students had been taken home by their parents for the rest of the year. It was almost summer anyway. Many people, including Anna, wondered what would happen to Hogwarts with Professor Dumbledore gone.

                Anna was spending her summer with Tonks at her family’s’ country house. Her mother was Andromeda Tonks and she was married to a muggle-born named Ted. Andromeda was actually Draco’s aunt, sister to Narcissa and Bellatrix, but even though she and Bellatrix favored she was nothing like her cruel sibling.

                Anna could tell that Tonks had been upset after the funeral and she wondered where her father Lupin was going because as soon as the service was over he came to her only briefly, said goodbye and was gone. Anna also realized that Tonks was upset, though she tried to hide it.

                Tonks was helping Anna move into the room that used to be hers when she was young.

                “Tonks, what is going on with you and Lupin?”

                “It’s nothing Anna, Remus will come around eventually. He is just upset about Dumbledore’s death,” Tonks said too quickly.

                “Don’t lie to me,” Anna said looking at her closely, “there is more going on that you’re not telling me.”

                Tonks sat down on the bed beside Anna, “I was going to tell you the good news as soon as I knew it, but when Remus got so upset and did what he did, I have been keeping it to myself,” she stopped for a minute and gave a heavy sigh, “I am pregnant.”

                Anna absorbed what Tonks just told her; she was going to have a brother or sister, “That is wonderful, Tonks,” Anna said hugging her.

                “I thought so too, but obviously Remus doesn’t feel the same,” Tonks said sadly; Anna thought she looked close to tears.

                Anna could feel anger wash over her as she thought of her father, “What is his problem now? First he treats me that way when I was growing up, and now my brother or sister. Someone needs to kick his ass,” Anna said bitterly.

                “We need to give him time to come to terms with it,” Tonks defended him; “He is just frightened.”

                “That is bull shit,” Anna scoffed, “What is he afraid of now. He already has one child, me. What could he possibly be scared of?”

                “Anna, Remus has a lot on him, what with the Order and now Dumbledore’s death; things seem more hopeless than ever. He is afraid of leaving behind a wife and now two children if something happens to him. Remus is also worried about something happening to us. And then there is his lycanthropy. He is terrified that unlike you, this child may inherit the gene that causes him or her to turn fully into a werewolf. He is upset with me for even getting pregnant when he told me he wanted no more children because of that fear.”

                “I’m sorry, Tonks,” Anna said sadly. Anna could feel herself getting upset as her mind swirled around what all was happening in her life. First, Draco; he was gone and had contributed to the death eaters breaching Hogwarts. The only good thing about it was that Draco had not killed Dumbledore, it was Snape. Then there was the death of Professor Dumbledore. Things were looking pretty bad for the Order now that their leader was gone, Dumbledore being their main pillar of strength. And now this, her father was refusing to stay with his wife and their baby out of fear. It was all beginning to be too much for Anna to take and now she wanted to do something about it. She wished her father were there now, he’d be changing his tune if she had anything to do about it. Anna made up her mind right then.

                “Tonks, even if Hogwarts is back in session next year, I’m not going,” Anna said earnestly.

                “Anna, I don’t blame you for being afraid, but it……”

                “It’s not that,” Anna stopped her from finishing; “I want to join the Order of the Phoenix.”

                “But it will be your seventh year and you have to be at least seventeen to join.”

                “That is not a problem, I turned seventeen at the end of February, and so I am old enough.”

                “Anna, this is not a decision you can make spur of the moment or out of anger. It is life and death and the Order’s job is to stop Voldemort at all costs. When you join you are an automatic target of the dark lord and the death eaters. This is something you need to discuss with Remus,” Tonks was trying to make Anna understand. But Anna knew all this and what it meant. She wanted to do her part to fight Voldemort, especially after keeping the secret of Draco being a death eater. If she had told someone, Dumbledore and others who had died might still be alive, and the guilt was really eating at her. But no, she had protected Draco’s secret and now it had cost not only her but the entire wizarding community. She didn’t blame Draco though, she blamed herself. Anna still loved him, that would never change, but Draco had picked his side and now she would pick hers. But there was still just a part of her that yearned for him and wanted to be with him, even if it was in battle.

                With Tonks help, Anna met with Kingsley Shacklebolt, who had now taken over dumbledore’s place as unofficial leader of the Order of the Phoenix. For most of the summer she and Tonks trained. Tonks had her apparating and disapparating with the skill of a pro, it had taken her less than a week to do it perfectly and she was much better at it than flying by broomstick. Her spells were as good as her father and Tonks could not believe she already could perform a full patronus, which Harry had taught her with the D.A. Tonks had her master defensive spells and attack spells, several that she had not learned at school or with the D.A. and all summer long, Lupin never showed up once.

                Anna had not been able to participate in the move of Harry from #4 Privet Drive even though Tonks did, but she, Rafe, and some others were given the task of guarding the muggle Prime Minister and the Minister of Magic while Kingsley was away with Harry trying to keep him safe.

                It would not be long until Anna would be attending the wedding of Bill Weasley to Fleur Delacour in the burrow and Anna looked forward to it and hopefully speaking to her father.

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