Sweet Dreams- Chapter 7

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Sweet Dreams

Chapter 7


                Anna made it to Hogsmeade Village for the meeting with Harry and the others at the Hogshead Pub. She signed the paper with everyone else. They were starting their own Defense Against the Dark Arts class in secret and they named it Dumbledore’s Army or D.A. for short. The only problem was they had nowhere to meet and work on spells. Harry let everyone know that as soon as he found a place he would let them all know.

                Anna met with Draco again in the Astronomy Tower on Tuesday night. She didn’t want to admit, but she was starting to look forward to seeing him, especially away from the other students and especially his Slytherin friends. They were all so obnoxious and rude including Draco, but he was a totally different person when he was alone with her.

                “I’m glad you came,” Draco smiled. He was already waiting on her.

                “I told you I would,” she smiled back, her copy of Pride and Prejudice in hand. She flipped quickly to where she last left off reading, “Shall I begin?” she asked looking over at him and he nodded.

                Anna read the rest of the book to him. It was late when she finally stopped. “The end,” she finished dramatically.

                Draco was just watching her. Anna had never seen him look at her like this before; he had a dreamy look on his face.

                “So?” Anna emphasized.

                “So what?” he asked.

                “What did you think about the book?”

                “To be honest, it was pretty good for a muggle book and a woman author too,” he looked at her without his usual smart disdain, he was serious.

                “I think so,” Anna agreed, really liking this new Draco Malfoy.

                “It’s really amazing how creative and interesting these muggle books are. Who would have thought? It must be their lack of magic.”

                “Well, this is surprising coming from you,” Anna said, not quite believing this was the same Draco Malfoy she’d been warned against, “I have heard about your family and their beliefs.”

                “Oh really?!” he raised his voice, the old Draco sneer was coming back, “and just what have you heard about my family?”

                “That they believe that only purebloods are worthy of doing magic and attending Hogwarts,” Anna was afraid she was making him angry. She didn’t mean to, but it was what she had heard.

                “There are a lot of us who believe that,” he said smartly.

                “So it is true.”

                “It’s wrong that purebloods should mingle with muggles or mudbloods,” he retorted sharply.

                “How can you say that?” Anna raised her voice, feeling her anger rising a little, “Pureblood, half-blood or muggle, we are all people. We should be judged by what’s in our heart, not the circumstance of our birth.”

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